March 15, 2025

VIDEO: How Stand Up Raised Beds Makes Food Gardening Easy-er

This video is about how stand up raised bed food gardening can make your life so much easier!

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: How Stand Up Raised Beds Makes Food Gardening Easy-er

  1. Bitter melon is supposed to be really good for diabetics, so medicine as food. And I recommend the long thin Taiwanese eggplant. Superb eggplant; some of mine are three years old. When they start to look a bit too sad, I chop them off at just about ground level, give them a bit of TLC then off they go again.

  2. Americans and Canadians who are jealous of your subtropic temperatures! So glad I found your channel, Birdies isnt in Canada but there is a CDN company that I ordered a raised bed from. SUPER excited. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom

  3. My Chinese parents used to grow bitter gourd and eat it several times a week. As a teen I hated the taste. But as a 60yo I’ve now acquired the taste. Bitter foods have major health benefits for digestion and immunity, which is why my parents loved it so much.

  4. Well Mark I've got a new raised Garden bed I made out of roofing it's 3m long it great and it does not heat up it's great so easy to sow seeds I'm building another one soon
    Love your channel

  5. Bitter gourd makes great crisps. Just slice thinly, toss in rice flour or cornflour and fry in the air fryer. Sprinkle something tangy or sweet on top and they are gold. Excellent for detoxifying your blood.

  6. Thanks for the informal video. Were you still hungover from your 50th?

    Anyway, have you ever had any problem with carpenter ants from your logs that you put in? It is possible to accidentally add a log that has an ants nest inside it. They then burrow out and need to be killed off by some remote killer bait particularly if they are closed to the house like on a terrace in a small garden. There is another video on YouTube ( about this but it would be interesting to get your experience. Perhaps you could set up a small birdies bed close to your house and see how this goes and what your experiences are .

  7. You and your Wife are beautiful people. Just saying hi from the United States. I've had alot of demons in my life and this year I started a garden. I've found it to be very peaceful and it's helped me get my mind off of things. With covid happening I had some time off and built a few raised garden beds with green house tops on hinges so they can be open or closed. Its been great!

  8. Hi there Mark, I live in Albany New York, (don't pity me, I will get out before I die). I just wanted to say, you have a very good looking wife. The kind of woman that really UPGRADES YOU WHEN YOU'RE OUT-n-ABOUT!

  9. It's NOT life….it's the food and exercise..I'm 55 and I always gets down on the ground….
    I used to look like your wife but then started the ketogenic diet…it's hard but now I'm growing my own food to be healthy

  10. Rofl gotta love real life interrupting…I have shot knees waiting for double knee replacement and I am seeing up my courtyard to grow my own vege to keep active… thank you for all your tips

  11. Mark and Nina, thank you for your service. Disabled vet here from the US Army Infantry. After doing on ground gardening, or rather failing to keep up, I will soon invest in some tall raised beds, given lumber prices now, Berdies beds are going to be my choice, probably as a SIP bed though, cursed Bermuda grass.

  12. I'm Nearly 70 and have arthritis in my back. A small bit of trouble with a shoulder too. Otherwise I'm in decent shape. I decided to go with grow beds this year. I won't go back to in ground. It's ridiculously hard. But I refuse to quit after discovering raised beds.

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