June 28, 2024

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Oh, to be in England now that April's there

  1. Nice 😉 Now people think butterflies are beautiful but if you get a magnifying glass and look them in the face. You will have nightmares into your 50s….. So I dont recommend doing that 😉 Wasps leave our house stuck to a rolled up newspaper the bees fly free. Ah the daisy divorce me divorce me not lol Great video loved the cherry blooms and no horses were hurt in the making of this video he was just a little surprised 😉
    Cheers Dave

  2. LOL, That horse was like, "Yikes! I'm being watched!"
    April Fools! Oh, how I came to detest those words. Don't hear them anymore so April is fine by me.
    April showers, bring May flowers. At least that's what I was taught. Thanks for the lovely video, I enjoyed it a lot. Happy gardening!

  3. Hi Adam…. what a beautiful country you have {{ also your county is one of the beautiful i saw when i visited last year…. Adam i am very tempted to purchase a property in the Southwest … Cornwall seems so laid back :- i stayed in Hayle Carbis Bay area love it….. im coming over to view some properties soon….. Hey you should be employed by your County's tourist board….. you do a good promotion video…… See-Ya Adam ….Ed…………. Beverly Hills CA

  4. Cherry blossom is so short lived but stunning! We had some in blossom on a road nearby but I'm always in moving traffic. Hope we don't have ice that thick to contend with this month; few frosts expected but all should be well.. ahh, the weeds ; ) Beautiful locations and great in-depth info. Thank you Adam!

  5. I love those old sayings we had one in Bradford.
    Red sky at night shepards delight.
    Red sky in Morning Brighouse is Burning
    Nice peasful video Adam, poetic wheres the time gone? a third of the year

  6. I couldnt help feel a bit sorry for Ryan when I saw your title, he still lives in Christmas until about May. Great video though, and I dont feel guilty much when I get to wear short sleeved shirts in April when we get the odd freaky day that thinks its summer. Spot on about being a key month for the plot, I have got big plans for easter holidays on our plot, mainly involving going there at first light and leaving at last! Really enjoyed this, nice one!

  7. Nice vid bud.-3C here this AM.  Might be getting snow before the end of the week.  Other than very frost hardy plants everything is going in the green house this year.

  8. You are no fool Adam, that's a wonderful insight to a wonderful month. I've never driven a bee from the house, but have often thought of giving one a croggy on me pushbike. The cherry blossom is spectacular, a nice find among the many in bloom. Vancouver is famed for it's cherry blossoms and a quick google search for "vancouver cherry blossom festival" is well worth a while of time. Cheers

  9. Tortoise shell butterfly!!! So awesome. I wanna move to where you are! 🙂 And bees in England seem to be much smarter than the United States, they seem to find their way out of the house on their own much easier.

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