Lets have a look at which seeds are chitting. There is definitely are surprise in there for me.
If you liked anything about this video… absolutely anything, like my hair, the light switch, the chits, my confused face, the colour of my walls… THEN please give the video a like, share it, comment on it and finally SUBSCRIBE as it really does help the channel grow.
Cheers Adam
Hmm I don't normally chit but this inspiring video has got my chitting juices flowing. I have some saved pumpkin seeds and it might be worth doing.
Good looking chits there mate. Hope your marrow seed survives and grows huge.
Enjoyed the video
Well things are on the up and up mate. Soon be on the plot with the crops growing away
I feel like you had a bet with someone about how many times you can say chit in one video
I shouted MARROW! at the screen before you got to it ; ) Get that!!! High hopes for Mr G Marrow. So much 'average', it was exciting; exciting to see you excited. Be well little marrow chit and give Adam a whopper!!
How long does it take for the marrow to grow to full size
great vid mate, im also an avid chitter, love your soh man, great stuff,
Get yer chits out!
Great video Adam. Keep us posted on your progress.
That video was Chit …. see what i did there lol see you in the next one adam mate
Adam…gudday….. oh to be in England now that the Chit time is here… To Chit or not to Chit that is the Question…..behold my pots are a Chittin Who every came up with the word Chit {{ he must have been a Victorian gardener with a cloth cap on big boots trousers tied just below the knees….. Adam you really do put a different aspect on gardening Yeah interesting Ok great vid amusing See-Ya…..Ed
Good that your chitting really well now Adam, very impressed.
Exciting to me man… I did this for a few seeds.
lol. didnt think about chitting sweetcorn… ooo it is exciting!
Your explanation, humbleness & ethical sense of plantation is a treat to watch.
Lol, very nice display Adam!! But the giant marrow….
incroyable!!! Loved it pal, hope they all do well for you:))
I'm happy for you and your Marrow seed, it's lovely
Adam, I'm glad you had a least one good chit.
Actually good video! I was talking to a coworker who led a group a few weeks ago, he did like you did, talked about what he was going to do in the video for an hour instead of just doing it. We were all there, we could see him..but I have a real question. Why chit a seed for couple days to get a root and chit, then put it in dirt? I just put mine in dirt, sure it's dirty little chit but it works the same. Help me understand. I'm done typing now. See, I wrote that and you would have known anyway had I just stopped. Ok now.
What a load of chit!