July 2, 2024

VIDEO: How to Grow Lettuce from Seed (상추키우기,生菜,サンチュ苗植え)

how to grow lettuce from seed at home

Slow Times Over Here


+편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로

+촬영/편집 : NOVER


#Lettuce #seeds #Plants

+ Creative Commons

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: How to Grow Lettuce from Seed (상추키우기,生菜,サンチュ苗植え)

  1. Tanong ko lang kase bumili po ako lettuce seeds, itinanim ko po pero ng tumubo pahaba po ang dahon iba po kesa mga nakikita kong pinatutubo sa utube bakit po iba iba po ba ang hugis ng dahon pag bagong tubo

  2. Really should not show your snails on you tube, African snails are illegal to have in a lot of country's. Only mention it because I have seen people get fines from stuff they posted on social media. In most country privacy ends at the front door, And in others since the digital world privacy only exists on paper.

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