March 19, 2025

VIDEO: An Introduction to Bale Gardening – The Pros and Cons of Bale Gardening

In this video I give an brief introduction to bale gardening, the pros and cons and how it works!

For more information and resources see the links I have provided:

“The Global Straw Bale Gardener’s Collective” Facebook Group:

The Brew City Gardener Facebook Page:

For our friends in Australia and U.K. (metric)

My suggested educational resources:

SBG Youtube Friends:

Straw Bale Gardening Australia:

Brainstorm Acres:

Essayons Family Garden:

CB’s Greenhouse and Garden:

Be sure to subscribe to all our Youtube friends for our 2019 Straw Bale Gardening Collaboration. You definitely don’t want to miss it!!

Please subscribe to the “Brew City Gardener” channel for another fruitful season and interesting gardening techniques.

Thank you, everyone, for your support!!

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#strawbalegardening #haybalegardening #vegetablegardening

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: An Introduction to Bale Gardening – The Pros and Cons of Bale Gardening

  1. I cant wait for the next one. I really want to know how to condition them.. I think Im gonna try to find a bale to try it. If I get it now.. Do I need to keep it dry until I learn how you condition it?

  2. I'm going to have to watch the progress all summer and get the skinny on this. I may give it a shot next year when I have a bit more time. Great introduction Opie!

  3. I heard about from the collaboration that you guys are doing !! I wan't to be your friend and so I hit your bell and will be following…. My channel is Permaculture, but I would like to participate with this. Maybe with just a couple of straw bales.

  4. What happens if it freezes overnight? I'm heading into day 3 and noticing no temp increase. Also would this method work for leaves and wood chips in a raised bed?

  5. Wow… what a great video! It's really beautiful! The video is really clean
    feel free and the surroundings are so pretty..Thanks to you, I've traveled to a new place.
    I think I came across found a really good channel while surfing YouTube!
    Thanks to you! From your new Korean friend

  6. I'm in Central Indiana and usually can't find straw bales in the spring so I purchased some this weekend (fall). Do I have to store these indoors and wait until spring or can they sit out in the garden, get a bit mushy, and condition them in the spring for nutrients?

  7. As a busy first timer to your Channel I would have loved to get a peek at your Garden.
    I am starting with a few Bales I pressed in a crush I made myself due to the very high cost here in Israel [would you believe about US$20 a Bale?]
    But I enjoyed getting some first hand info from someone who has 'been there and done it'.

  8. Now I have a purpose for the 38 straw bales we have going this year! I planted my potatoes in grow bags this summer so my yield will be small, but next year I can plant taters galore!

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