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You sure do have a lot of good lookin' fellas around your homestead! I think maybe you should put a butterfly bush at the back end of the bed where you planted the elephant ears and irises. It wouldn't block out the sun and it would attract a lot of butterflies and hummingbirds for you to watch.
That was a spy camera in that egg! You made it self destruct when you touched it!!! I guess someone will just have to find another place for one of those cameras! …We have had too much rain lately, my brain is waterlogged with cabin fever.
How many eggs does the mean hen have? It's cool that there is a variety under her. I couldn't see the pavilion well enough! And yes, the garden beautiful.
I love when Miah does vlogs. Like when he made the cold frame that you wanted but didn't need. I still smile when I think about that one.
I got so inspired that I FINALLY planted some seeds today. It's my first time and I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing. Haha. I am behind so started tomatoes and cucumber in trays with lids. Will keep them outside. I so hope that works. Love your videos so much. You guys keep me inspired and moving forward. Won't learn anything if I do try! God bless you guys!
God bless you and your family with good health and long life
I so enjoy your channel! Your love of God, each other, and your land is so inspiring. I'm really enjoying seeing spring there while getting another snow storm here in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Jealous!
Such a good video. I'm always learning here.
Ty for the vids,what happened to the egg with whole
I’ve never had a broody hen before. What interesting noises she made! Send some of that t shirt weather up here! Do it Miah!!!! Shoot us a vlog!!
I Watched a video last night while planting the last of my seedlings, so didn't comment then, but want to let you now this. I have Amish friends I buy my eggs from. We were talking about antibiotics and my naturalist Dr had started me on some that are not chemicals. My Amish friend said they make their own to feed the animals when they get sick. The Amish don't use electricity so make their antibiotics by battery. So I checked the computer and found this website 'The Silver Edge.com' and ordered the machine to make my own. This is the strongest natural antibiotic on earth. Very safe to use naturally. I make a quart at a time and give it away to all my friends and relitives. It is very expensive to buy and about 34 cents to make. Read the website for different things it cures much faster than chemical antibiotics. I got shingles from a neighbor and drank 14 cup twice a day last September, he had gotten the shot that day and didn't stay home for 48 hours. Anyway my doctor confirmed it was shingles, the blisters weren't out yet, and I followed the directions in the liquid silver book and stopped them from getting worse. I do have my own machine to make distilled water for my cpap machine I use at night. If go to the website and check it out to cure your chickens chemically free. Our bird picks up pink eye so I use it on him and I used it when I got pink eye too, in 2 days it is gone. It kills cancer cells too. Sore throat just spray some in your mouth and it works fast to get rid of the bacteria. Don't worry of turning blue because I have used mine over 10 years now. because it is electric and not battery operated you won't turn blue. Your doing good on your homestead so keep up the good work, things will fall into place for you. I'm 70 and still love to garden.
I remember counting hens at roosting time, when I was little. This gave Mom heads up if a hen or two was missing, us children had a nest hunting party, so she could mark the eggs.
Oh my gosh that brooding hen is awesome!
I have cracked open a developing egg. I had to give up eggs for a few weeks after. I grab the broken hens quickly by the tail to collect or see what is under them.
I have cracked a developed egg. Not a pleasant thing.
Our hen Sweet Pea has been broody on her little inside nest (we spoil SOME of our ladies on our homestead). She's got life inside her eggs starting and it's so wonderful to encourage mama hens to make babies. Love everything you guys do, your recent video especially with Hubby tending to your birthing doe. Beautiful baby bucks, we'll be having our first kid in June. Wish us well, hope we are as calm about it as your man was. He definitely helped ease my hubby's fears about what to expect. Much love from NE washington. xoxo.
Broody fever is in. The day after the Shindig I found one of my hens on a 14 egg clutch under the coop… So many babies to come
You make great videos!! I made a video recently due to my chicken always laying eggs on the ground. I will share the link with you to my video to show you how i solved the problem. Now my chickens keep laying in the boxes again and hasn't laid one egg on the ground since. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sws99Qi-agE&t=1s
I feel so at peace watching your vlogs, as well as a longing for land to call my own. I'll settle for practicing growing as much as I can in my suburban back yard.
And bam….Miah didn't even see that coming at him…. love your videos.
You guys are so blessed, all those little guys running around with you.
Omg can I come live with yall? I love your farm
the eggs are so beautiful
Love the view inside your greenhouse!
It’s 3 am and my puppies are working through some growing pains. I bless you for calming my spirit and sharing your life
Wanna see PIGLETS! (But not as much as you do, I'm sure.)