What HAPPENS if you leave THIS in your GARDEN? Better Vegetables.
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAXrKFjs77o .
How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVaFsORKhl8 .
#gardening #notill #howtostartagarden
Nice looking soil!
I discovered an abundance of purple deadnettle and henbit this week on our property; will be enjoying a little in smoothies tomorrow.
Mark, thanks for the reminder! Last summer my garden was inundated with purslane. At first I was yanking it out and then I calmed down, tasted it and realized that it was an excellent green. This year I actually bought (!) some cultivated purslane. ha! I need to relax a bit and enjoy the good green stuff that grows and remember "always have a living root in the ground!"
It look like I would be better to plant in me undisturbed lawn than in my garden . Would I be right in this understanding?
Another excellent video and camera work Mark, very interesting and educational,you are very good at demonstrating …. and quite the Teacher.
What about creeping Charlie /ground ivy? Should that also be left? It really takes over a space… And I just had hundreds of tiny red root pig weed sprouts come up in my ruth stout bed
Hi, if i leave the roots of the weeds in the ground before i plant my tomatoes, do some of those roots grow back and may be stunt my tomatoes ? How do we know which weed roots grow back and which wont? Those which do, do you advise to remove also the root? Thx
Lots of great info on your videos. Now how about showing the end results, ie great looking produce in the garden.
The ants are eating my worms!!:(((
You have some nice soil!!!!
I have the hen bit:))
5:05 woah seems like the method works, the soil looks so soft that i could feel it
Again, such a helpfull video. The nettles and checkweed I used to remove or control. Strange because they are beautiful and useful. Thanks Mark, bless you.
When did you come to the conclusion about these plants. And how have you results been since you've been doing it this way?
The honey bees love these plants and they bloom before most other plants.
Thank you great job!
I have these growing in my garden
Hi Mark I watched this video again because it is so inspiring, by the way it is the most attractive bunch of dead nettle I have ever seen. Any idea what nutrient value is in the vegetation part of dead nettle because for instance we know stinging nettle leaves are high in nitrogen and comfrey leaves is high in potash. Thanks for the video.
So … you don't inoculate the seeds when you plant peas?
Sir, I don't know what to say first… sorry or thank you. Ok, anyway thank you for this valuable guidance. Sorry, for this is going to be a long comment and your time is precious, because you are not only doing something good for yourself and your family, but to the planet as well. But I got to tell you this story. Once there was this Guru in ancient India, who taught medicine to a bunch of guys. As you know, in those days it was all about natural medicine dealing with herbs, which we call ayurveda. It had been quite some years and the students couldn't wait to graduate and practice in the real world all by themselves. The guru kept postponing the qualifying test but yielded at last. He asked his students to go out, travel far and wide, and gather as many "plants" that were NOT useful in any way. They had to report back in a year with their findings. After a year, all except one returned, each with varying number of plant specimens that they FOUND to be useless. The last one to arrive came WITHOUT any plant, and this is what he had to say to his Guru….that he had travelled far and wide, but COULD NOT find a single plant that was utterly useless. The Guru released only him from his gurukul(residential school) stating that he was qualified to practice medicine from then on. You must have been that exemplary student in your past life. Now I am off to my yard-cum-garden to celebrate nature
i live in SE Washington State, and YES sure do. it grows all over this time of year.
I wish I would have watched this a week ago. I just pulled a whole bunch out….now I'm wishing I could put it back in
I found that purple dead nettle today over by the green house. I hope I can transplant it okay over to my first year food forest? My young food forest needs the most help but if not possible I have a 17 year old peach orchard that I am transitioning to permaculture practices that could use the benefits of that wonderful herb as well. Btw, I took you up on the white clover in a raised bed and I put strawberries gently amongst them. So far things are going great.
I see those weeds all the time. Hard to get rid of them.
That spot of soil so soft.
R they edible?? Now i am going to get those seeds from the wild and sprinkle them on my spot so next year i have them growing in my soil, build the soil, i have very hard clay soil. Very informative. Thank you.
Awesome information!
I let clover grow in my garden, keeps soil shady and I understand that it supplies some nitrogen. I also leave chickweed and hairy vetch. Don't have any nettles or henbit though.
I have both of them. I am sooo happy to come cross your video, have been watching all of them every day this week. You give me the confidence, I don’t need to feel shame , comparing with my neighbors’ chemical lawn. And I learned a lot , I love when things make sense, thanks for all the scientific explanations. LOVE THEM. I appreciate you, Mark