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About Urban Farmer Curtis Stone:
Curtis Stone runs a commercial urban farm called Green City Acres out of Kelowna, BC, Canada. His mission is to show others how they can grow a lot of food on small plots of land and make a living from it. Using DIY and simple infrastructure, one can earn a significant living from their own back yard or someone else’s.
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Hii curtis .. love ure vids.
From abc islands.
Have u tried 65% black shade or would u recommend it?. Im in the tropic.
Hey Curtis, loving from the field. Where's the link to your paper pot channel? I got one last year and I'm trying to start some early spinach but I'm not sure how thick to sow the 2" chains.
who else is inspired by him?!
ps im a youtuber too
I knew you would go back to big farm plans when I saw how you look at JM Fortier over the last 2 years.
hows your front yard garden coming along?
Just got your book. Absolutely loving it!
Great info love your book would be very interested in the boxes with steadfast farm
Comments Enabled. Good.
I like "the old school vlogs" because they provide motivation. Watching my favorite growers failures and successes each year is motivating. Are these the same old videos to me?….somewhat yes but mostly a no. I need more paper chains….I'm off to!
Curtis, thank you for the old school vlog and allowing comments again, I missed saying hello to you on here.
<insert toxic comment here>
Have you considered wasabi farming?
"Hey Roger, what hat are you wearing today?" …… "Got it, I'll get my newsies hat too."
Thanks men for video.
Thanks for the old style vids. This is how I originally found you and learned so much.
Love the videos. I'm trialing an experimental no till, chop and drop market garden in a very early experimental stage at the moment. Which is nothing like this, but i still love the videos and learning new things, and different ways to do things.
This question is for the 10k micro urban farm video(comments were disabled). They said 250 flats a week but I counted 140 +/- Did you disable the comments because the other micro farmers they mentioned are getting screwed at 1/2 off?