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Even if I'm a year and a half late, I love seeing both of you together. Love both of your vlogs. Love love love from Missouri
Squirellll lol. I’m from the south coast of BC zone 8 but just moved our family to northern BC zone 2
I cant believe you were so close to me! O.O im from yakima washington….the blackberries on the side of the road is the same lol
When my binge watching of Shaye and you, come together in the one vid!! Loved Miah meeting you at the door too… squeels SOOOOO super sweet <3
i love the snow too!!! in nc we dont get much but when we do im like you all getty !!!!
Recién veo este video. Pude sentir tu emoción. Hermoso viaje.
This was so fun to watch because we will be moving from Oregon to Arkansas and I will feel like you did about plants and animals. Arkansas will feel a little like Australia as far as critters that can kill you! LOL!
It always amazes me how you YouTubers know each other and visit with each other. I love the community! Thx for taking us with you. I’m not sure but I’m wondering if the girl with the long dark hair is someone I’ve seen on with a YouTube channel were her n her husband gets in pallets of merch to sell in their store. I wish I knew if that was her. She is a joy. See ya on the next one.

Such a happy vlog xxx
As soon as you walked in to that farm house kitchen I thought ohhh that looks like Shays kitchen. I love me some Shay!!!! Wish I was there.
You brought tears to my eyes with your love, smile and zest for life. <3
I grew up in Wenatchee. And I've lived all over Washington. Its a little strange to see y'all in my backyard.
Oh my heart was so happy when you opened the front door!
The PNW is beautiful just so sad there is not enough sun there for me. I got seasonal affective disorder pretty bad after living there 3 years.
Such a sweet smile. Ty for sharing.
I understand the snow giggle haha it usually never snows in SC… I remember one year it did and we ran out to play in it thinking it would melt so fast… My were we wrong haha it snowed all day and stayed and froze… Talk about shutting stuff down! Everywhere was closed while waiting to get snow equipment in hahaha that was like 4/5 years ago and I've been here 8 years.
Loved this episode. So happy and fairy like!
Good morning ,I love this video I would love to see you all together again garden in cooking .That would be awesome. I know because the virus lot of things has stopped a lot of travel. but maybe one day keep up the great work that you do love you.
You two should have a reunion. Love you both.
Oh Jess, you talked about getting the comfrey in todays vlog, May2021.
Jess your giggles in this are adorable and contagious.
Sounds like the little critter was a mink
The happiness of this woman in the snow is contagious
This couple… No words needed. We feel the love
Ugh! Sweet Miah meeting you at the door after following you for the last year brought tears to my eyes! You two are just so beautiful!
I love to see the joy on your face over the snow