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It’s finally starting to look and feel like Spring, so we headed outside to check out how our garden fared through the long frozen winter. Then we chopped and dropped last year’s plants and laid out some mulch. Or in other words, EVERYTHING we do to to clean up after our final harvest in Fall and prepare for our first planting in Spring.
Preparing our Hugelkultur Garden for Winter: Chop and Drop
The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture
337 lbs of Potatoes! NO digging, NO watering, and VERY LITTLE work!
Planting Potatoes in a Ruth Stout Permaculture Garden (QUICK and EASY)
Results from our NO DIG and NO WATER potato experiment (Ruth Stout Method)
Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions in a Ruth Stout (HAY-ONLY) Garden
Results and Lessons Learned from our Carrot, Onion, and Radish Experiment
Plant Hardiness Zone, Rainfall, and Other Important Information
Winter Ruth Stout Permaculture Update and HAY vs STRAW
Ah shoot! Anyone notice the typo in the video?
Have you thought about adding a wall garden
Your garden is very similar to mine, although I live in Norway and have never met anyone with a similar garden! Recently I watched Ruth Stouts garden video, it's also very similar. I guess it's something that happens instinctively.
Is your hay relatively free of seed?
Do you not get weed seeds coming though from the old hay?
As a somewhat lazy person that likes the outdoors, this video is so much yes for me. lol
! Fellow Canadian here, but on the Quebec side. I'm enjoying your channel tremendously, and learning LOADS !! I am won over by your gardening philosophy, and your channel
Given how you guys are located in Eastern Ontario, we probably share similar climate conditions, and that makes me hopeful that I could replicate your incredible results. May I ask a question? I see that you are planting in a field, which entails that the 'base' soil was probably ideal for cultivating. Do you know whether the Ruth Stout method can be applied to a regular urban lawn? Since the method creates rich soil, I am thinking of trying it on land that is either of poor soil, or as mentioned earlier, an urban backyard. >> I definitely need to read and watch more on the Ruth Stout method ^_^ Any resources you'd recommend? Thank you for uploading such great videos. You've got me hooked and thrilled !
What about pinestraw? I have land that is covered with it. In some places it's super thick. Should it be completely removed?
Great video! Thanks!
good idea:)
love love love!!!! now i just need it to stop snowing at my house ;p
But what if you're just starting your first garden? Would you remove the top layer of grass first and then lay hay down or just put it down right over the grass? And if so how are the roots of your veggies getting any soil and its nutrients?
Straw takes longer to break down , and does not appear to feed the soil as well as hay. Timothy hay being the best so far.
Hello there, we have lots and lots of slugs here in Switzerland… Do you have many slugs at all? Because my concern is, that this method will be a perfect habitat for slugs then eating away all vegetables…
You inspire me to do gardening
I used hay to cover the bed when I planted strawberry last year. But it was not 8" thick, more like 1' to 2". Then, I had to keep pulling weeds and new hay sprouts all summer long. If I put 8" thickness hay, it wouldn't happen?
I can't stop laughing at your delight in finding that round bales simply roll out. Something that seems simple to someone who grows up with it is a process of discovery for those new to the lifestyle. Its the only way we truly ever learn… by doing. Enjoy watching your journey. And yes… spoiled hay should be free for the asking… just ride some back roads and you are sure to come across some sitting beside the road. Just track down the owner and ask… its almost always yes… and many are happy to help you load it with their tractor if its not too big an inconvenience for them at the time.
Only issue w hay in Texas is majority will have been treated w chemicals of some type
What about slugs?
To me, this channel seems oddly similar to this one:
But about gardening instead of filmmaking.
I LOVE the FAQs you answered!
great vid. Im a cover crop guy but will try that out somewhere in my gardens
You said in one video that you grow a lot of garlic. What do you do with it all. Is it a cash crop? Is it only for your own consumption?
Actually the 'no work' concept is bull. What it is is a 'less work' system that allows you to get other work done. So actually is is a 'same work' but more productive system……(!)
Do you not find hay too full of weed seeds like duck ragout and broom?
Hay has more nutrient content by far than straw.