March 23, 2025

VIDEO: 16 Plant HAUL: Unboxing & Transplanting Houseplants, Herbs, Ferns, and Flowers

Join me as I unbox 16 plants from Plants by Post – a mixture of herbs, flowers, ferns, and houseplants. The fun of this unboxing was figuring out WHERE to put all of these in the garden. I experimented with putting some ferns in my backdoor shade garden, we worked in some railing planters, and more!


– Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myersii’ Foxtail Fern
– Bacopa Sutera cordata Scopia ‘Gulliver Blue’
– Bacopa Sutera cordata Scopia ‘Gulliver White’
– Dahlia Dahlinova ‘Hypnotica’
– Euphorbia x martinii ‘Ascot Rainbow’
– Geranium Pelargonium ‘Savannah Hot Pink Sizzle’
– Geranium Pelargonium ‘Savannah Red’
– Impatiens hawkeri ‘Sunpatien Blush Pink’
– Impatiens hawkeri ‘Sunpatien Orange’
– Lavandula pinnata
– Lavendula stoechas ‘New Madrid’
– Nephrolepis exaltata ‘Bostoniensis Babe’
– Osteospermum ecklonis ‘Blue Eyed Beauty’
– Peperomia clusiifolia ‘Red Margin’
– Peperomia obtusifolia ‘Marble’
– Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Tuscan Blue’


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23 thoughts on “VIDEO: 16 Plant HAUL: Unboxing & Transplanting Houseplants, Herbs, Ferns, and Flowers

  1. The sunpatiens looks exactly like a flower plant called in Spanish "Belén de Nueva Guinea" or "Alegría del Hogar". It needs indirect sunlight, and moderate to high humidity. You can keep at home if you want, but if you place it outside be sure to water frequently if the climate is too dry or too hot.

  2. If you like flower plants that can grow in the outside, and also attracts butterflies, bees, and other insects; try to get any of this two plants in your nursery shop or online:
    Lantana Camara
    Lantana Montevidensis

  3. Some dahlias can be started from seed – check them out at Baker Creek! I haven't done this, I have too many snails and slugs and they just chew them up right away. Also, you got the Bacopa colors right. They'll be perfect with that shirt you're wearing at 11:00 minutes. I'm planning on putting my trimmings from my giant rosemary bush down as mulch around my brassicas – I've heard that they are good at repelling cabbage loopers (caterpillars).

  4. Hmm what else can we ask for?! a sexy plant guy who likes all plants starting from very simple herbs and flowers to more rare species hahah love your vids 😉
    If you like lavender you should come and visit France, we have a sea of lavender fields here in the south, it looks just amazing to be honest 🙂

  5. Hi Kevin! I'm glad you're feeling better! I like what you did with your pothos. I'm wanting to add to my very small collection. I agree, the Osteospurmum is the prettiest of the flowering plants. I've had that one before and loved it! I'll be looking for it again. I really like the lavender, too, especially the one with the dark purple flowers. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Does anyone know much about a purple waffle house plant? I bought a wilted one on clearance from Lowe's and it's like half floppy at the base but very bushy and upright at the top.

  7. Yes! I am one of the ppl that had killed a Fern "Helecho Macho". Not sure if its the same as Boston Fern but its the one that has thicker / bigger leaves. Anyway, this one will survive due to the previous test and trial on his family member. 😉

  8. Also… An asparagus fern is not a true fern. Its an angiosperm and produces flowers. Its care is not the same as true ferns, like your Boston Fern, which are, by definition, not flowering plants.

  9. Thank you for distracting me through a seven hour tattoo session… I maxed out my outdoor garden (only have so much space in a ground floor apartment) so house plants are my next venture!

  10. I lived in Temecula for like, 10yrs and my rosemary plant died in less than 1 week near my window sill. Overnight, the half of the plant that faced the window was bleached burnt and pale green on the shaded side. It only lasted about a week total but CA is the devil's toilet. SOOOO HOT!! 119' degrees in LA as I drove off to the east coast on the 40. In my area it only rained once about every 5yrs and thousands of people died in car wrecks as soon as "el nino'' kicked back in around 2007-2008 and it rained for 3 months straight. We had floods out the booty hole and now its back to being a desert with normal desert rains lol. 😀

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