March 17, 2025

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Totally Preventable Mistakes When Planting Fruit Trees

  1. Wow, I'm a big believer in your advice. I bought a Red Delicious tree from our local garden shop 2 months ago. They said they to buy the compost and root developer as well. Told me to dig the hole put compost in the hole and rub the root developer on it and then plant.
    It grew beautifully. For approx a month. Then all the leaves turned yellow and started dropping off. I was told it was probably getting too much water. I slowed the watering, didn't seem to help, and now I think it's dead.
    Lesson learned the hard way.

  2. Thank you for the advice, I'm working setting up a home orchad and enrolling in the master gardener course myself. We're taking a permaculture inspired approach and I was definitely happy to see I'm not the only one in Michigan inspired so much by nature and sharing their love for it.

  3. Luke I just watched this video and my question is regarding the native soil. I understand the thought process but what if your soil is a clay based soil? Don't you want to keep the tree/plant from being in that tight soil?

  4. I really appreciated the video. You nailed me with the beginning! As a carpenter, I was definitely approaching my orchard as a project. You also said many things that are different than I’ve seen other YouTubers say and different than what I’ve seen on google searches; for instance you say semi dwarfs only grow to around 6ft whereas other sources say 12 ft. with standard growing to 20-30 feet. I’ve also heard that trees [of same species] shouldn’t touch to discourage disease spread. I’ve seen recommendations to put compost at the bottom of the hole. Is that as bad as compost on the sides?

    I’m looking to plant a 20 tree orchard in Fenton Michigan. If anyone can help me to plan it out, I’d really appreciate it. I’m currently stuck on size/variety and spacing. We have over 80 acres of forest and field so area isn’t a huge concern. I could also use help with pond maintenance for our 4 acre pond and general land management advice.

  5. Go on young blood. Old has wisdom but you have vision. I am old but I am for new ways. We must learn new ways and improve on the old ways of doing things.

  6. I have a ? I reached out to many arborists about my October red maple I planted it 3 years ago the main leader stem has no growth on it from the very top down about 6 inches and nothing has grown at all . The base is growing hood has new growth on the branches and it’s starting to develop a second main leader branch. My ? Is do I let it go until the second leader branch is taller than the first leader or can I prune off the first main leader and hope it doesn’t affect the growth. If you would like pics please let me know

  7. Thank you thank you! This video actually makes me so much more confident about picking up a few fruit trees – less spacing = less land waste, and the simple approach with soil backfill wipes away the endless stress of too many videos telling me I must have JUST the right PH with lime and sand and amendments etc. the year before!

  8. Were the trees 1year old or older? Have you ever grown trees from which you planted seeds(stones)? I have two: lemon, peach & apple trees, all are approx. 1yr old. I see new growth lower, but I heard not to cut those new growths the first year. All six were from seeds I planted last year and they really didn't begin growing until Spring 2021 Can they remain in giant pots, so they can be moved to a warmer location during times of frost? Do I need more trees of each type of tree other than the two of each, in order for them to bear fruit? I love your Videos & I thank you for such useful info in your videos.

  9. My original soil is of very poor quality. Full of stones, very heavy clay, even some gravel. What do I do to improve original soil before I use it to backfill? How deep shall I dig the hole before I add improved soil? Nothing would convince me that stones in the hole are good for root growth.

  10. I back filled my trees mixing in shrub soil with the original soil. I did this about 6 months ago. Now they are not looking so healthy and it concerns me.. Also, while digging into the soil it seemed pretty hard, I am not sure but it could of had clay in it too. Do you think they will survive?

  11. With your trees being so close in guessing you don't let them get big like you said not over 10 ft but would that mean significantly less fruit? How many pears peaches do you get out of one tree?

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