March 16, 2025

VIDEO: 고구마 심는 방법ㅣHow To Grow Sweet Potatoes

How To Grow Sweet Potatoes

Fresh Fallen Snow
Slow Times Over Here


+편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로

+촬영/편집 : Black네모

#SweetPotatoes #고구마심기 #고구마

+ Creative Commons

23 thoughts on “VIDEO: 고구마 심는 방법ㅣHow To Grow Sweet Potatoes

  1. I did not see you water the plant after you planted it in the sack. Is watering not needed anymore? How often do we have to water the plant in the sack?

  2. I've had sweet potatoes sprouting in my cupboard as do normal potatoes. I sometimes have forgotten I've had them in the cupboard and have had shoots coming out of the cupboard door. lol. But your way of growing them in the jar is better as you get the roots as well instead of just the shoots.

  3. 고구마순을 세워서 심지말고 고구마순 마디가 나오게 옆으로 심어보세요
    고구마는 마디마디에서 달리는거니까요

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