March 25, 2025

VIDEO: How To Grow Portulaca/Purslane From Cuttings(Full Updates)

DAIZZ’S TIP:-Portulaca/Moss rose is a perennial plant. It flowers profusely from spring till the start of winters. In winters, when sun does not show up, it would just go dormant; you can leave it there for the next season – it would not bloom but still would have green foliage. Once the spring hits, it would again start new growth and flowering.


Music provided by Frequency Track: Arc North – Meant To Be (feat. Krista Marina) Link:

Mind your Time by Me.So Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0… Music provided by Music for Creators

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: How To Grow Portulaca/Purslane From Cuttings(Full Updates)

  1. my portulaca took an unexpected and drastic turn for the worst all of a sudden. it has grayish-white powdery stains and hair-like growths on it and the stems turned yellow and wilted. many (maybe most) of the individual leaves are still plump and green. how can i save it? will soapy water work or do i need a strong anti-fungal? please help!

  2. Hello there thank you so much for all your videos. I have a question: do we need to change to a diferent soil after the roots have grown or can we use the same soil as the permanent home?

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