July 2, 2024

16 thoughts on “VIDEO: What potent blood hath modest May

  1. Thoughtful and very lovey touch to a planting vid – including the poetic title : ). Quince flowers are quite striking in their masses… Tulips give way to the gorgeous carpets of Bluebells – I love the smell and freshness of a bluebell wood! Great to see you planting. Everything looks lovely Adam.

  2. Hey Adam, We never know with you if it is going to be funny, or serious, which is of course why we love you.
    Beautiful footage and sentiment, may your May be fruitful, and your favourite crop flourish :p

  3. Loved this video! I really like when you give facts and lore like this! Now I definitely want to visit a bluebell spot, have a few in mind but none are big areas.

  4. Love this, fantastic. I think I would enjoy a chat with you about this kind of thing very much, looking at plants in a different way rather than just "they like full sun, well draining soil etc" – its very interesting to hear all the little legends, stories myths etc that are behind them. . Maybe one day in the future we might bump into each other at a gardening show somewhere. Really enjoyed this Adam, thank you.

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