March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Tomato Bucket Sanitizing – A Casual Conversation

In this episode I go over my “tomato buckets” and why I have decided to sanitize them for the growing season. Coupled with some small talk makes this a casual chat with the best youtube community ever! Have a wonderful day, everyone. Thanks for watching!
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#brewcitygardener #tomatoes #growingtomatoes

10 thoughts on “VIDEO: Tomato Bucket Sanitizing – A Casual Conversation

  1. I grew tomatoes in containers and didn't have a good season either. Maybe I chose the wrong kind, I don't know, but they were supposed to be container friendly. What variety do you grow in buckets? We love to make salsa as well… My family loves it on darn near everything…Your channel is so nice and you are so detailed in explaining everything…I am so glad I subscribed.. You have not told me how the potatoes are doing. Mine have not sprouted up yet. I caught my chickens in them scratching in the straw…Naughty chicky babies…lol

  2. I'm on day four, and we were supposed to have a light rain this morning — but that is no longer true. So I'm off to add the water. I look forward to seeing the tomato setup in action!

  3. Yes Sir a light bleach water wash down will kill off all the blight with no problems. I clean all my dutch buckets and perlite with it. We also use a few buckets outside to put some of the over load from Rene's magic seeds. LOL Awesome job done getting your buckets ready. People would be amazed how many free buckets are out there to be had. Yeah those plastic handles rot out pretty fast. I have looked for replacements also with no luck. The only thing I find are those leather shoulder straps but they are like 15 bucks. That is crazy! have a great day buddy!

  4. Great video. I started using hydrogen peroxide this year. I was using bleach before. I hate using water from the hose bib also. I try to collect some rainwater but we don't have a large container to collect the water in. So I use water jugs and fill them up and then let them sit for at least 24 hrs to allow the chlorine and other chemicals to evaporate from it then use it on my seedlings and seeds.

    Thanks for sharing.

  5. I like those buckets too! They are super handy for winemaking. We use some for food storage of things like pasta, rice, flour, and coffee beans. LIke you I put my fertilizer in them. I have a couple I use for garden chores like spreading compost or gathering up plans refuse for the compost bin. The farm I buy my red grape must or white grape juice from charges $7.50 per new bucket if you forget to bring your own!


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