딸기 사 먹고 공짜로 모종 얻는 방법
1. 19.2.14 딸기 씨채취 (온도 17도 ~ 22도 사이)
2. 원예용상토 사용
3. 처음엔 항상 물을 흠뻑 많이 주세요
4. 햇빛에 많이 노출시켜주셔야 곰팡이와 톱밥파리가 생기지 않습니다.
5. 온도에 따라 다르지만 30~45일이 지나면 싹이 나오기 시작합니다.
6. 75일이후에 큰화분으로 옮겨 심어주세요.
7. 곰팡이가 생기지 않게 관리하시는게 중요합니다.
Fresh Fallen Snow
Slow Times Over Here
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Thank you for your interest.
I'm sorry I couldn't answer all of your comments.
Let's add a description as much as possible from the next video.
1. 19.2.14 Strawberry seed collection (It started between 17 and 22 degrees.)
2. Use Gardening soil
3. Please give me plenty of water at first.
4. You do not get mold if you let the sun see a lot.
5. It depends on the temperature, but 30 to 45 days later, it comes out.
6. 19.5.1 Seventy-five days later, I planted it.
7. Be careful not to get mold.
Interpretation using translator may be wrong.
Thank you very much.
Have a nice day♥
wow I almost overwatered my strawberries thanks
So sweat..Respect from India.
tbarklah al ok
Ana kanzraa andi achará kbarin mafihomch lfakiha
acho namliha
Thank you
Great video. Thanks
Very nice tips. Thank you for sharing.
나는 인도에서 왔어요 나는 당신의 정원 비디오를 좋아합니다
Kak pupuknya apa
Great video on growing strawberry. Here is also a time-lapse video on a Strawberry seed germinating. It's incredible! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFCP7s-YrAs
Wow amazing sharing
Wow… i am really inspired.
Ý hay cảm ơn bạn
selamat malam kk hadiiir lagi
Thank you for your sharing. Why do I take seeds ( not like you ) seed that do not gerninate?
딸기모를 이렇게 내는 거였구나.^&^
한번 해봐야겠어요.^^
내년엔 집에서 딸기 따 먹어야지.ㅎ