March 13, 2025

VIDEO: A DINO is Eating my Garden (And a Quick Storytime) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: A DINO is Eating my Garden (And a Quick Storytime) | VLOG | Roots and Refuge Farm

  1. Love your channel and your enthusiasm and love for nature and getting your hands dirty. It sure can be a magical time. How do you handle any tick issue that you may have?

  2. Mushrooms seem to look like turkey tail but you really need an expert to tell you what they are. If they are edible mushrooms and also medicinal, they would be worth harvesting. It would be a great blessing if they are real, safe edible ones.

  3. I live in Knoxville – that's great you use to live here – do you remember what park it was? And I so enjoy your videos. I'm new to your channel this year and you've inspired me to grow tomatoes 😉

  4. Bear reminds me of my first dog, Scooter. Love watching the vlogs; I sometimes find myself up early in the A.M hours still watching gardening videos.

  5. Mushrooms: Eat? Don't know. Great photo op? Absolutely!

    Knoxville and Wartburg, you are describing Frozen Head State Park. And you're so right. Sometimes going back ruins the experience you had. BUT Frozen Head is always like the experience you described.

  6. I know exactly that you are talking about. We called a clearing in the woods behind the home I grew up in The Emerald Forest. It was so green and full of life that every surface was emerald green. You could hear the the hum of living things around you. We would go there as kids to sit and listen and be a part of the world that surrounded us. I'm typing this as I finish up my plants starts for this spring. Love what you do. Thank you so much for the content!!

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