March 15, 2025


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I want to give a huge shout-out and thanks to Renea for sending me some incredible heirloom pole bean seeds! I’m super thrilled to give these a grow in the Brew City Garden this season!
Also, check out this beautiful “black gold” that I got over a very busy weekend. I’m blessed to have access to all the compost I could ever want through my city’s municipal compost yard. The best part is that it doesn’t cost me, as a city resident, a dime for any of it!

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Banjo Short by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (…)
#compost #vegetablegardening #strawbalegardening

11 thoughts on “VIDEO: BLACK GOLD & A MAIL CALL!

  1. That is some really nice looking compost! Free even makes it better! Must be something in the name cause my Rene can cook to no end. Awesome mail call ya got there buddy! Always nice to get things in the mail from other folks sharing. Those are going to be some nice beans! Never heard of either one of these. Love the history behind them. Thanks for the info and tips brother! Hope you have a great week!

  2. You can save a ton of money and use a little sawdust or shredded wood chips. Both are a very good substitute for vermiculite. They both loosen soil and hold moisture…I use saw dust myself or even a little sand. You are awesome and the black gold is fantastic.

  3. West Allis – we may have been neighbors! That's where we moved from back in the 00's. My wife grew up there and son still lives there near 80th and Lincoln. Also, in the 80's I used to live right by that composting place you speak of — it's on Root River Parkway just off of Morgan — I could see the steam rising from the giant leaf piles from my window in the winter. Small world…

  4. Enjoyed your stories about the beans tremendously, Hope they do well for you. Will check out LVH, too. Sounds like a woman after my own heart.

  5. I was finally able to finish watching the video… You are so wonderful and thank you so much for the truly heart felt shout out you gave to me…The history on the beans is spot on. The hydasta shield figure beans make wonderful soup as they expand about 3 times their size when cooked. Both bean types are very prolific and can be used as fresh green beans or left for shelling beans. They are also very heat and drought tolerant. Perfect for canning or freezing….

  6. That’s a wonderful compost source to have. It would be great to see every municipality take more interest in composting. Those sound like some very interesting beans you’ve received.

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