September 20, 2024

VIDEO: The Hassle Free Way to Harden Off Seedlings

Cloudy and rainy days are usually not looked at with much excitement, but in spring when I am looking to harden off my seedlings, I look forward to a few days in a row with cloud cover. This is the easiest way to harden seedlings off and for a lazy gardener like me, I like hassle free! Check out our new clothing line!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: The Hassle Free Way to Harden Off Seedlings

  1. I used your method with great success last year but we aren't getting any overcast days this year and they NEED TO GO!
    Do you think i could make do with thick plastic sheet to put above the plants and simulate an overcast day? 2 panels like a gable roof with a gap at the center then cover the gap above to let it vent. I know to leave the top open to let the heat out …then a cap over to keep the sun out. Like a full ridge vent on a house.

  2. My plants are just like what yours look like on April 30th. Today it is sunny, and it is 54 degrees. I wonder if someone can answer if it is too cool outside to start acclimating them?

  3. I have been doing it that way for over 50 years. My dad taught me, and his dad taught him etc. I do not wait for cloudy days though. Cloudy days wait for me. I am in western NY.

  4. As always…thanks 4 the info. I have learned a lot from u over the last few years. I start seeds in my kitchen, put them in breezeway during daytime after a few weeks and germination, and now starting to take out in a few minutes per day. It is May 6 here in south eastern Ohio. Still unpredictable nighttime and daytime weather. Love to garden. So enjoyable.

  5. I sew spinach, lettuce, chard and garlic starting in spring. In fall when temperatures are low, I put the plants under clear plastic tubs. When daytime temps are too cold, I leave them covered day and night. About February on nicer days, I open the tubs during day. I pick all but garlic the rest of spring. It takes longer to grow them, but delicious. Sometimes lettuce needs reseeded every two weeks in summer.

  6. I re- watched this video yesterday to get some tips on hardening off and guess what! I have a week's worth of cloudy days in my forecast. I'll be ready for May 15th planting date.

  7. How do you harden off seedlings when it's very sunny and there's no place that has shade? It's been very sunny here lately. I tried doing 2 hours sun the 1st day, then 4 hours sun the next day and fried my seedlings 🙁
    Is there a way to save them? What should I have done?

  8. I made the mistake of assuming a plant was strong by their growth size such as the ones that I've bought from nurseries. But it doesn't matter how mature they look. They died right away when I put them in the ground without hardening off.

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