March 18, 2025

VIDEO: Patience is Paramount (We Don't Need to Rush Gardening)

Be patient.
Video produced in partnership with Eifion Jones from
Instagram: @huws_nursery

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HuwsNursery is a channel which dedicates itself to teaching you how to grow an abundance of food at your home. Videos are uploaded every week and cover a vast range of subjects including; soil health, sowing, transplanting, weeding, organic tips, permaculture, pest control, harvesting and low maintenance growing to name a few.

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With thanks to the support of my top tier patreons; William Shidal, Ben Porcher, Namaste Foundation, Valeria Letelier and Mike Moore

28 thoughts on “VIDEO: Patience is Paramount (We Don't Need to Rush Gardening)

  1. After losing 80% of my March indoor starts 2 years in a row, I've decided to wait until May next year to sow outside directly and fleece as needed. Fleece is a must-have for frost, sun scorch, and insect protection. I love fleece.

  2. All my frost susceptible plants stay under plastic sheets and mini Polly tunnels until now. Started planting out last week. I have had a 90% success rate of getting seedlings stared. Last year I lost most of my crops due to surprise cold. Won't make that mistake again.

  3. Hi Huw, I seem to remember you saying you have an interest in joining a community.

    Check out South Wales Zero Waste eco village – The Edible Forest. 240 acres.

    I would love to have you involved.

    Best regards,

  4. Hi Huw, thank's for your video's, very informative. I am very much a new gardener, not had a good garden for many years. now i have moved I have a bit of space, although we live high up, lots of wind, so my plants are struggling i think. can you do a video on how to take cuttings please, especially hardwood? you mention it but where do i cut the branches etc.?

  5. I started my tomatoes in January, but, 1. we're in the Outer Hebrides and sunlight isn't guaranteed, and 2. we have no greenhouse yet, so they were destined for the windowsill all along! However, I think I have now realised that starting so early may just have resulted in making them leggy, as we struggled for light. Love this video, it is so relevant to a changing climate, and I get so much useful information from your channel, thank you.

  6. Handsome..I'm trying to have patience but it's not working well. In Wisconsin, the weather is goofy, especially in June. Now, July 1st things are Finally looking up…

  7. Huw is a great gardner and educator. Even though I live in the Rocky Mountains and my climate is different then his, there is much info to glean from him.

  8. i think that it would be really important to announce changing the name of your channel, before actually doing it… i dont remember you announcing it and it caused much confusion for me, and i hope for not too many others… but thx for your channel!

  9. Huw, tomatoes will take a brief cold snap down to say 3-5C and actually do very well. I planted Red Alerts out end of April this year and had one cold night under fleece before removing fleece around May 20th. I harvested the first fruits this week, fourteen and a half weeks after sowing. There are those who say a short cold shock actually increases flowering and my plants this year concur with that.

    I also sowed onion clumps early April this year, transplanted early May and bulbs are swelling nicely now.

    Big difference being a top professional pushing boundaries and being an enthusiastic gardener wanting some home grown produce….

  10. NO expert here but can't help think modest layer of mulch would also have helped. The few times I planted extremely early the first couple months were so slow growing it didn't accelerate early harvest by much if at all, thinking mainly of tomatoes and peppers in Far North California.

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