In this episode we cover growing onions. With so many choices it can be confusing. Grow onions from seed. Grow onions from sprouts or onion starts. Grow onion sets. Geesh!
Remember to make sure you are choosing the correct variety as well. Long day onions do better in the northern half of the continental U.S. and short day onions do better in the southern half. Day neutral onions typically do well in both regions or in the middle. Most seed stores and nurseries in your area will already have the correct varieties in their stock. Thanks for watching!
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#growingonions #vegetablegarden #strawbalegardening
Yes! When I use the sets they almost always go to flower at least quite a large amount of them
what's up bro, it's all right in Nepal, My country is also Acriculture nation bro it is good to watch your video and learn from you,,you will be grow your channel like onion grow so you will be growing day by day,
Nice, great info. Onions is something I haven't tried to tackle yet
I like the little pool idea for planting. Last week I planted my onion starts. I think the variety was called Candy. I planred in large containers.
Grandma Sue in central Indiana and Izzi Too
If the red onions go to seed will you save the seeds? I didnt plant any onions this year.
Sell your excess plants. It is a great way to make a little extra for next years supply…Another great video…..
Great information Oppe. Nice break down of the differences.
Great information Opie! Can't wait to see them take over that pool!
Awesome info ya gave us here about onions Mr. Oppe. We buy the bulbs from our local farm supply. They been working good for us over the last few years. Hope you have a great week buddy.
That was a great episode. What a great subject to cover.
I always have so many extra plants and seeds I think I need to start a 12-step program for Gardner's
Great info about the onions Oppe! Used kiddie pools are a great way to get an extra planter for the garden.
This was really helpful. I wanted to try onions this year but I chickened out in the end
Thanks for sharing that, I always wondered what the difference was, and I didn't know they were biennial. Learn something new every day!
Thanks so much for the info! Onions were one of the things that were driving me crazy this year, but this was extremely helpful.