This video shows what happens when you bury a fish under a tomato plant, similar to how Native Americans used to garden.
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Im a new follower… and I didn't kno yu did this video on my birthday…. 5/12 …. I'm from central jersey on tha shore.. and I grow too.. self sufficiently we gotta link bro
If you add sand… is it better to use coarse sand?
Did he cut the fish into pieces to make it easier for the maggots to feast?
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I wish people would quit calling them Native Americans and go back to calling them Indians
You off an E
I’ve always been fascinated with plants and growing them ever since I was a kid. In high school I took every course I could on horticulture and greenhouse management and got a vocational seal to go to college, which actually never happened. Landed an extremely good job right out of high school and been on my own since I was 18 and I’m now 34 and married with 5 children. So every since I was 18 I’ve had a yard to do my gardening. I absolutely love growing my own fruits and vegetables and so does my wife. I have been using fish when planting my garden ever since I got my first place and planted my very first fruit and vegetable garden. I learned the technique from my great grandfather on my moms side as I remember him doing the same when helping him in his garden as a child on up into my teens. It’s saves money on fertilizers for sure and never fails to give you good harvests. I live in Georgia so I plant my garden in March and it produces until mid to late September, sometimes into October. My better boy tomato plants all reached heights between 13’ 4” and 15’ 10” last year. It kills me seeing people at the store buying a bunch of fertilizers and soil amendments thinking they need it to have healthy plants and large harvests when all it takes is one fishing trip! I take my boat out to West Point Lake and tie off under the Hwy 109 bridge around 6 pm and stay over night until about 8 am the next day. I take my wife so that we can double our Crappie limit to 60 fish we can keep, plus a few hybrid and white bass that run through at night. We usually leave with 65-70 fish which believe it or not isn’t enough because we grow many fruits and vegetables, and multiples of each! So the cost of my fertilizer is the cost of minnows($20), gas($10-$20), snacks and drinks($20-$25). So roughly $60-$65 to nurture my garden for an entire growing season! TIP – applying a generous layer of garden lime on the fish and then covering the fish with 3-4 inches of soil before placing the plant in the hole will keep any animals from digging up the fish because the lime helps to mask the scent. Yes, I know lime lowers soil pH but it’s not enough to matter because it’s only a coating down where the fish is and in most cases actually makes the soil more favorable for plants that thrive in acidic soil like tomatoes and peppers..
Was wondering if I can bury a dead squirrel underground as fertilizer as there was a dead one in my yard found a couple of days ago.
What numpties are downvoting this? Idiots. This is a really brilliantly well explained video. Thank you for sharing.
Uhhhh, you get a tomato plant growing over a fish?
This guys gives me anxiety. Too much energy.
I'm stoked for spring. Thank God it's warm out. I bought a house w 1.5 acres in NJ 2 years ago and I have been doing some much. I've literally had to cut down 35 or so trees. I've planted so much in place of these. I think 38.. plants so far. Of the 38, 7 are trees that fruit and flowering, 10 red burning bushes, hydrangeas, crepe myrtles. I removed oak and pine. Firewood for heating my house. Anyway lots to do.
I buried fish under my tomatoes once and the plants I had grew over 12’ high. The only thing I used for fertilizer was those fish.
Can we use a can of sardines?
A bunch of haters out there. This is a awesome video….
We do love Tuck!
Personally I raise chickens and I use the various parts of the chicken corpse.
I recommend a whole chicken although separate the guts feet and head.
I would put the whole corpse as deep as possible, soil over top, then do your feet head and guts, soil over top, and then plant your tomato, as deep as possible.
Love you guy!
Tuck is so cute tuck is amazing
put a video as difference between bury fish in one plant and another same variety plant has without fish, for its growth and healthiness.
Raccoons n possums n cats n dogs dig em up is what happens
Mycos brand sucks use roots! You will see a 1000% difference
You need to learn endo and ecto some are for our annuals and others are for trees etc! Just learn before use
F that feed him a fish and watch him develop a great muscular and coat!
It’s a dig dude not a human!
You should link you other parts since this is part one! Never mind for me!
I tried this. The monitor lizards showed up and dug up all the fish.
Bunker the best oil for the soil..