March 14, 2025

VIDEO: Bale Gardening – SOWING PEAS

In this episode I show you how you can sow peas and other medium to large size seeds into your bales. I will also share another little tip to make sure they stay there! Thanks for watching!

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14 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bale Gardening – SOWING PEAS

  1. Can't wait to get started planting here! We are in a bit cooler zone, and the bales are a bit behind, but we should be fine. I think we need to go pick up some greenhouse starts before they are all gone!

  2. Hey when you got to go ya got to go. Awesome job done showing us how you sowed your peas. Does not get any easier then this buddy! The snake idea works really well! Thanks for the how to and hope you have a great day!

  3. Those wascully pea snitchin critters. Whatcha gonna do wif em. Good video. We used rubber snakes in our garden and in the eaves of a carport where birds wanted to build a nest and leave their calling cards on the pavement. No more problem.

  4. Lol @ calling the childrens "critters. My daughter gave me a book for Christmas that tells how many crops to grow per family household. You want to grow about 10 peas per person from what the books reads.

  5. I found your channel a little over a year ago, about the time when you moved into the apt. I'm going over your videos and I have to say they are the most informative and entertaining educational videos I've seen. I'm a behavioral research scientist so I know about educational videos. I hope you come back soon and get a place were you can garden your heart's delight. Thank you for making these great training videos.

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