March 23, 2025

VIDEO: Can we Fit 18 Tomato Plants in Less Than 50 Square Feet?

It is planting time!!! We are growing 18 tomato plants in 48 square feet. This should be interesting. Check out our new clothing line!

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Can we Fit 18 Tomato Plants in Less Than 50 Square Feet?

  1. We would need 750 sqft to plant that many plants in the way that we usually grow them. Anything less than 6 ft spacing, and they end up crowding each other… I really want to build a 12-15ft tall trellis for a permanent tomato bed.

  2. So, Like, how'd you make out? It has been a year since you uploaded this video. I may want to take this approach this year for some high intensity gardening in my small space.

  3. I grow 22 indeterminate tomatoes in a 3’x12’ raised bed…we leave 2-3 suckers in addition to the main stem, support on strings hanging from overhead wire and prune the bottom foliage heavily to promote good airflow…can’t even guess at how many hundreds of pounds of tomatoes we grow every season from that one box. We also grow 15 determinate tomatoes in a 3×6 space by using horizontal netting for support…works great!

  4. I know this is a bit late but was there ever a folloow up on this. I plan to put 14 in a 3×8 foot space. I could squeeze it to 3×9 but that wrecks my plan for sun flowers.

  5. Luke, how deep are you beds? 12"? is that the minimum for tomato plants? I'm building beds here in GA and I wanted to make sure I have deep enough beds for tomato plants.

  6. Hi Luke, Trifecta Plus gives amazing results. Was planning to get more, until I saw the shipping and handling fee. Is there any way you could offer free shipping for orders ☺️ ver $99? Or, something similar?

  7. we have garden beds that are 4'x4' and we normally plant 9 tomato plants per box. we prune to two or three stems and fertilize and have a great harvest. this year we're actually trying out even more, about 1 plant per sq ft and pruning to one stem. so about 16 tomato plants per box. I'm predicting a few plants will struggle slightly, but i want to find out what my maximum is.

  8. I love this style of video! Luke do more like these! It's a much more laid back kind of style where we see more of your personality! Much more like hanging out with a "bestie" vs a long drawn out classroom lecture!

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