In this video, I debunk the claim that free-range chicken egg farming is bad. And give a counter-argument to a recently published article that states “reasons” why you shouldn’t buy free-range eggs.
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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark
Yes – fake news alright. I'm sick of it in this country. Thanks for highlighting this in beginning of your video
Some farmers think free ranging chicken do alot of ranging and lose calories which supposed to be out as eggs. So they think waste of calories,lesser eggs, waste of money
Self Sufficiency. We have no time to watch media programming.
Let's point out the obvious…. If the chickens didn't like being outdoors, your's in particular… they would stay in the coops and hen houses provided! Why don't they leave everything open, and let the chicken make the choice? Very nice job, and thank you for straying a little bit to share this insanity with us!!
I know this is an older video now, but coming from an academic background – the media is known for misrepresenting what a person or study actually said. Peers of mine have been called by journalists to provide commentary on a particular topic only for the journalist to completely flip what the person meant, same goes with empirical data. Whether it's intentional to gain clicks or a poor understanding is anyone's guess, but if I was a betting man, I know which I'd put my money on.
Much respect …thank God you got the "Eggs" to take on these issues. Free Range Chicken's are Fine & Happy. My husband is a Veterinarian in USA you are correct Mark Free Range birds do much better outside that article was written for a "Shock Affect". However, the "Climate Changers " are behind these false claims we have seen many being posted they are trash….thank you so much as a family whom lives in the Urban Area & believes in Farming Freedom!
Great video. Thank god people like you take the time to knock some sence into these articles full of chicken manure. So people dont get so easilly fooled.
The Daily Mail is not journalism and should be disregarded as soon as you realise it's from them.
Agreed. My hens run and even bump into each other to get out of the coop and the run to get to the yard. They prefer finding their own food on and in the ground. What a silly article.
And people are happier when they are slaves and forced to work in little jail cells……
My husband and I are staying a poultry business. I looked up what free range means according to large poultry farms. This is what they say
Free Range-typically means a few small doors that lead to a screened-in porch with cement, dirt or a modicum of grass. They also went on to say the screened in areas have large fans to get rid of the ammonia smell. The chickens don't like the fans and so they don't like to go outside. (This is where they get their trash from.)
We have decided to not use the words free range, instead we will use pasture raised.
The what free range means to a small farmer vs a large only in it for profit farmer are 2 different meanings.
Cage free doesn't really mean cage free. Cadge free-means 1sq foot of space in an aviarie. A cage is still a cage no matter the size or what name you call it.
My birds prefer to be out of their yard.
My birds are happier. I boil oak root or oak leaves to make a tea, which is added to my chickens water to keep them healthy.
This past spring I had 5 baby chicks born with wry neck (which all died). I am convinced it is because my chickens were grain fed. Grains lack vitamins, minerals and nutrients which can only be found in plants, grass and bugs. Chicken feed has only been around a little over 100 years. How did chickens get fed before? That is a ridiculous question.
This article was most likely paid for by some big unethical poultry business.
As a chicken keeper myself i call bull. Free range chickens eat a broader range of food like seed heads and insects. chickens are omnivorous. It leads to healthier chickens and eggs.
obviously an article claiming the chickens like being crammed in tight spaces and stuck indoors is bullshit, but i think for most people that are shopping in a normal store the eggs that say free range and cage free etc… are also bullshit and are based on rules that the companies have to follow to use those titles and those rules are terrible and the chickens are really no better off than the caged chickens. and so buying free range eggs at the store is just a complete waste of money. and a video like this one is going to give those same people the wrong idea, and they are going to keep believing that the free range label means those chickens are roaming free and happy like yours are, when in fact they definitely are not.
Opening the door for them, and they run out freely says it all.
It sounds like the carbon footprint Marxists are at it again, now they want to deny our chickens true health and happiness, their health and happiness threatens their narrative. The real goal behind their narrative is human eugenics, they want us to eat poisoned meat from a depressed bird, medicated and eating Monsanto poison feed. It's disturbing to the Global Satanic New World Order elites to see us self-sufficient and eating the way G0D intended us and the chickens to have a good happy chicken life prior to harvesting them. They want the world in a state of depression, even the animals, anything that is G0D'S creation, it's part of their spiritual warefare.
Daily Mail IS a tabloid.
Read Hayden Bragg's comment…i wish I had a pasture to raise chickens…i would market it pasture raised which correctly means free range! Speaking commercially that is.
So why didn't nature create caged-chickens, chickens living inside confined spaces like snails do in shells, doesn’t mother nature know best as journalists are constantly telling us; some chose to keep chickens in open areas SIMPLY because that's how and where humans first found and noticed chickens to be and to do; they first noticed chickens running around living outside in wildernesses all around the planet, surviving, feeding themselves way before a human fed them one morsel in captivity; journalist as a whole think we are a bunch of idiots. I bet the article was written by one who's never even carried or held a chicken in their hands, yet is willing to regurgitate and print crap studies written by quacks with PHDumb degrees; but let's not be too hard on her for writing this junk, she's just toiling for a pay check so she can buy her morning eggs, Lol!
Opinion fake news like the opinion you giving know right? Battery cages where band 2009 free range can cause heath problems that’s no myth how ignorant are you to say a sheltered animal is not better off you are pretty bias your self it is a true statement that a sheltered animal is safer less disease or predators and sometimes that can be completely illuminated due to them being inside I would’ve thought that must be mind altering smarts you mean you put an animal indoors you control it’s environment control it’s feed it don’t get as sick as easy as the ones outside don’t die from weather Or predators and you’re the open minded one by calling others fake news get off you stool don’t be so ignorant
They love to run around and choose their own food. The eggs taste better too. If they free range you only have to feed them in the winter months as long as you own the land for them to range on.
cache eggs are losing money … some dumb main stream reporter got paid to put out fake story .. conclusion : DON'T WATCH TV…. mate.. i got 3 chickens in a fenced up coop ( 2000 sqm ) they are in there most time of the day… every afternoon they stand by the gate and get very loud – screaming .. till i come and let them out…..whats that tell you …? they go back home at sundown …
Would you rather be caged all day or allowed to roam? Any living being will want to roam because that’s what they do in nature.
I buy free range from a local farmer, when I can't get those I buy Kangaroo Island eggs. I know this is an old article now but I'm at a loss to understand the motives behind it. Just watching your hens, if they weren't happy they wouldn't go outside the coop. I'm pretty sure that even with barn eggs, the stocking density is 9 hens per square metre. How healthy are your eggs going to be? Free range, always.
Put pressure on stupid people. A vet said all that. Chickens LOVE BEING OUT SIDE.
The only true free range production I have seen is the Holbrook Paddock Eggs, I've actually driven past and you can see the chickens out in the paddock all day. They are locked up at. night to protect from predators but they are guarded during the day by Maremma dogs. The eggs are fantastic. The only reason a chicken would not want to be outside is because it has probably never seen the sun and it's freaked out. They learn if you let them out. Love ya work!
Hi.. They put in big box, and they tell free run
Oh my God.. What you are saying
You can call yourself anything and make up any organization, to make your nonsense sound important. Caged chickens are not as healthy as free range chickens, because they don't get natural foods like bugs grasses and seeds. Add a little bit of food grade diatomacious earth to their food and you won't need to worry about parasites.