March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Ways to grow and harvest kohlrabi and wild rocket

Compare the fast growth of kohlrabi in 3-4 months, with the slower initial growth of wild rocket. Both come ready in spring, and in autumn too.
In my no dig garden, the feed I use is compost for soil, applied once a year. I use no fertilisers, slug pellets or other inputs: it’s a simple and timesaving method..
This is zone 8b with lowest winter temperatures around -8C/18F. These plants can survive that amount of cold.
I show my method of overwintering wild rocket plants under cover, to plant in late winter.
Discover more about sowing dates on this page of my website
Learn more about setting up a no dig garden and having few weeds, with my online course
Filmed at Homeacres no dig garden on 13th May 2019 by David Adams.

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: Ways to grow and harvest kohlrabi and wild rocket

  1. We are planning to grow some brassica leaves (mustards, orientals and red russian kale for baby leaf) for a few spring cuts before they bolt. Here in Devon I have noticed that mustards tend to bolt in June, Chard possibly earlier, but I was going to ask about cultivated (salad) Rocket and Kale. Do you reckon we could still get a few cuts? When would you sow them with that in mind?
    Thanks for all the great work, Charles. Sometimes I just wonder where we would be without you!

  2. Hi Charles,
    I'm growing the last seed I have from a packet of Kohl Rabi I had last year. I'm excited about attempting to seed save from a few of them and sow the seed in July as you mentioned. Curious to know if you seed save some of yours? And also I'm assuming I should be saving the fattest healthiest ones for flower & seed, right?

  3. Hi Charles, I've just sown kohlrabi indoors about a week ago, is that too early? Would I be better giving up on those and planting again in a few weeks?
    Thanks for all the information, it's invaluable. I've just bought your garden journal (and a copy for a friend), will invest in the garden diary too! I've learnt so much about how to get the most out of my tiny garden. Experimenting a bit this year but I'll be using all your advice to plan out proper succession planting next year. Cheers.

  4. Thank You Charles as I currently have kohlrabi to harvest shortly – 10th February 2021- I must have missed this video, have never grown it before so this has been an adventure & looking forward to eating it for the first time. It is looking fabulous. Cheers Denise- Australia

  5. Charles, what is your experience with multisown Kohlrabi? I searched the histories on your forums, and found little. One person said no more than two per module. What are your thoughts? This is my first year trying Kohlrabi and my seeds sprouted no problem, about four per module. I was intending to thin them to singles, but wondered if I could double my production on them.

    Thanks for all your great information!

  6. Curious what type of wild rocket you grow! I have been growing arugula now for a couple of years (it was a good plant for a beginner!), both the Eruca and Diplotaxis (wild) types, and saving the seeds because of how much the bees like the flowers, but I'm at the point now where my plants are so spicy that they're almost no longer palatable (even early in the season when the weather is mild). My guess is that plants with the spiciest flavor are the most prolific/pest resistant — which is great, because then I have zero pest damage — but then my boyfriend doesn't like the taste. I want to start over with some new seeds, do you have any recommendations?

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