July 2, 2024

VIDEO: Seedling Update

This really is a dull video… you have been warned. BUT if you fancy losing 9 minutes of your life that you’ll never get back. Then do watch this.

#seedlings #gardening

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13 thoughts on “VIDEO: Seedling Update

  1. Thank you for showing us your Squash Adam, I do like a sweet Squash – those look great. I am seeing more people showing or telling of their seedling failures which I can tell you, has made me feel so much more relaxed about my own.. here I am, taking it personally that the little plants failed/struggled. LOL.. I guess its what we have to expect. Love the light play ; ) Cheers — Elly

  2. Pumpkins and melons on the plot, I hope the furry creatures stay away from them and they grow and produce lots of fruits. I have grown the sugar baby melons and had a few from them. They tasted good. I just needed more sunlight to get even more.
    Take care my friend

  3. Love the light shot buddy, great fun!! You have about the same as me….some good some comically bad, lol. Hope you have a great week, looking forward to the super exciting plot episode my friend:))

  4. i only ever grew a honeydew melon a couple of years back. i was lucky enough to harvest a single melon from it. the smell in the greenhouse was fantastic. i'd like to try again, but space is limited, adam………………….brian

  5. That stream of sunlight is making a weird pattern on your face.
    1- Weed?
    2-cucumber? Well I was in the family
    3-Musk melons are smelly
    4-The watermelon will be delicious!
    5- pumpkin?
    The ones that you get to the stage of The pumpkin one are the best ones.
    #1 is a broad bean? Oh dear, Adam, you do have about as much luck as I do with seedlings.
    Thanks for sharing. Happy gardening.

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