March 22, 2025

VIDEO: 5 Watering Mistakes You're Probably Making

Watering. One of the most fundamental tasks in the vegetable garden, and also one of the the tasks that new gardeners have the most problems with. In this gardening for beginners guide, we’ll take a look at how to water your plants the right way, as well as cover 5 SUPER common mistakes.

We’re using Ray Padula watering products in today’s video, who are the sponsor of today’s show. They’ve got a bunch of awesome watering tools to make the job easier.


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→ Best Time to Water:
→ Cheap Mulch Ideas:
→ 33” Thumb Control Water Wand:
→ 50’ Flat Soaker Hose:
→ Thumb Control Hose Nozzle:
→ Quick Connect Starter Kit:
→ Electronic Timers:
→ Hose Splitter:


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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 5 Watering Mistakes You're Probably Making

  1. I planted my pride of Barbados a week ago, and now it's dying. I planted in full sun and I don't think I overwatered.
    What went wrong?

  2. Just read this – You probably shouldn't use shredded paper with colored ink or the waxy magazine paper as mulch as they can contain toxins that are bad for your plants and body cancer-wise.

  3. Love the channel! I didn’t know you were in San Diego! That is where I am from and learned to grow. I wish I would have discovered your channel when I lived there. I moved about a year ago and now live in Grenada. Now I’m in a totally different climate and it is hard to make the shift. Any suggestions?

  4. You have some very good advices. But, there is one mistake that you need to no. The Stomata on any plant leaves are mostly located on the bottom of the leaves. So if you do water the leaves then the stomata should never get wet. The stomata as you already no is where the air both oxygen and carbon dioxide enter and dissipates from. And I don’t really no if all garden plants are the same. I would like to ask you a question about watering. You and a lot of gardeners have made the statement regarding not to water vegetables overhead because of diseases. This maybe true but if this was try then what happens to all of the vegetation’s that are planted and grown in open fields. There are not cover and when it rains all of their leaves get soaked from the top send settles down to their roots. It seems as though that rain water is a lot better then any house hold water because there are a lot less chemicals to damage the vegetation’s leaves, so if it rains the water would be all right when the top of the leaves get wet, rather then watering your vegetation with any house hold water unless your waterline from your house line has a filtration to filter out all of the chemicals in your water. Sorry, I don’t mean to souls like I am an expect but just a few things that I believe is true about watering. Thank you very much,Take Care and Always Be Safe.

  5. I'm an Over-Watering Addict. Lol. Thank you for your video. Some things I KNEW but don't PRACTICE. Like actually putting my fingers into the soil to check it. Succulents are my main victims. Poor things are loved to death. I'm actually getting better now. Yesterday I took more time with each area and plant to see what, if anything, it needed. Turns out they're all just fine without my interference sometimes. Less work….you'd think I'd realize that on my own. Thanks again!

  6. I have to disagree with a couple of your tips. 1sr during the day time it gets hot where I live and the soil seems to dry out. Secondly, you say never water your plant on the top. If this is true then why are there plants in the jungle? All of these plants get watered and very wet leaves. Another thing is your terminology Stomata are not where water enters the leaves. Stomata are located under leaves and it is where air enters the leaves for photosynthesis to occur. The only way the stomata will ever get wet is if you water under your leaves.

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