March 23, 2025

VIDEO: the TRUTH about using Wood Chips in the Garden

Will using wood chips help or hurt your garden? That’s what we will answer today.



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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: the TRUTH about using Wood Chips in the Garden

  1. Truly enjoy your videos, we put down about 2 foot of wood chips on about 1/4 acre 14 years ago now most of it is broken down and it's beautiful fenced it off and have 26 chickens running in it, I dump my grass clippings in the area also, been doing this a long time, now I'm building a 9 compartment composting area like Charles Dowding's pulling this material out of the chicken area, pig bedding, rabbit bedding and doing a hot compost to use all this material, keep up the videos and Thanks!

  2. I'm in the desert and, just as you mentioned in this video, found the micro rysome signs under a rock I pulled out of a burm this morning. That particular rock is going into one of the spiral beds I'm making.

  3. I live in central Florida and we have a big red ant and Carpenter ant problem, would wood chips still be a good idea? And if so…our raining season starts in June and goes through September…should I put the mulch down at the end of may?

  4. so you don't have to remove grass first , just lay cardboard first? then woodchips? I hate grass and have lots with clover, I don't mind the clover just don't like the grass

  5. Thank you for this message James. I feel like I needed to hear this today. I've loved you and Tuck from the moment I started watching but I have a better understanding of what you do and why you do it, a whole lot more now. Thank you for all of your food forest lessons, sharing your wisdom with us and taking care of our buddy Tuck.

  6. I always thought the issue with cedar is the anti fungal and microbial and anti pest qualities. This is not good in an organic environment I'd image as it would lessen quantity and quality of microbial and beneficial insect populations as well as fungal I think. To be clear microbes feed the plants via the soil and the mites and pill bugs and worms take care of larger stuff etc so if microbes and mycelium aren't gonna nna occupy the top couple inches of substrate then I have to imagine that isn't good even if in the end it's carbon. I'm of the opinion even on the top layer microbial life is important this is why we mulch ironically to keep all the soil microbes moist so the population thrives and composting and feeding happen. I just wouldn't use cedar because why risk it

  7. Chipdrop is a website for aborists to drop wood chips at your home if you can take on an entire truckload for free. You sign up and they text you to see if you want any that day. Not a suprise

  8. Hearing you talk about your experience finding what we desire right in our own backyard resonated with me, I really appreciate you sharing your personal stories–it warms my heart & adds the spice I need to push thru the challenges of life. You provide so much inspiration and Tuck provides the giggles that this gal needs, hats off to you both!

  9. Loved it James! I got some questions answered about wood chips that I was wondering about but just had not gone there yet. All of it was full of wisdom and I thank you for sharing it. One question, is this a full time job for you? Thanks again

  10. Thank you. I am using wood chips thus year for all my perennials. I USA grass clippings Mulch for annuals. I don't trust straw because farmers usually use chemical sprays. Our grass does not get chemicals. I try to keep everything in my garden, and recycle everything that grows in my garden including weeds.

  11. Hi!!!! I absolutely LOVE watching you and tuck!!! I'm learning so much and also being from Jersey you give great tips. I was wondering if you could give advice on my ground. I dig down a couple inches and it's like all rocks. I'd like to get some soil first to put down and then put the wood chips on top of it. What kind of bulk soil do you think I can get?

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