With Time-lapse
In this video we discuss mushrooms in our bale garden and concerns you may have. When mushrooms grow in your bale garden you may be worried that something is wrong or your garden has been taken over. I discuss how mushrooms are nothing to worry about and may be a good sign about the condition of your bale garden. Thanks for watching!
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Banjo Short by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/…)
Artist: http://audionautix.com/
MUSIC: Brainmelt
Artist: Underbelly
#strawbalegardening #haybalegardening #mushrooms
Excellent info on the mushrooms sir and the time lapse was spot on, loved it!! Thank ya for sharing!! Dan
We need to learn better how to grow mushrooms. I'm going to have the lumberjack watch this video. Great information!
The opening of this was just great! Very cool time lapse!
It will be interesting to see if I get any mushrooms in my bales. I have lots of different varieties growing real close by in the woods as a spore source!
Dude look at all those pretty colors.. Weeee. No sir those mushrooms are none eatable. They do not cause any problems other then touching the plants like you spoke of. Most of the time they pop up during the morning and gone by afternoon. They don't bother me at all. In fact they are letting me know the bales are working like they should be. Awesome information Mr. Oppe. Your killing this teaching folks how to bale garden! Hope you have a great weekend!
Dont you wish I plants grew as fast as the mushrooms do. Lol very cool time lapse.
So much fun seeing your mushrooms too!
I did have a schroomy day washing the time lapse.
Have a shroomy day!! Mushrooms fascinate me, that was so cool watching them come alive!
Love the time lapse.
Nice video, just subbed. I think you should take a look at FollowSM “dot” com it will help you grow your channel!
I have mushrooms pop up in my raised beds. Im pretty sure it is from the hay that drops down from the rabbits and then when I put the rabbit poop/hay in the bed it has spores in it.
After the inky caps,I started getting brown mushrooms. Any idea might cycle threw next?