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#Eggshells #fertilizer #달걀껍질비료
+ Creative Commons
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Slow Times Over Here
+편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로
+촬영/편집 : Black네모
#Eggshells #fertilizer #달걀껍질비료
+ Creative Commons
계란 흰막 안 제거하고 저렇게 사용해도 괜찮은가요? 아니면 반드시 제거해야할까요?
Ohh, now i know. Thanks.
Love those grey flowers, what flowers are those?
계란껍질에 인 킬슘등이 들어있지만 그게 물에 녹는게 아니라서 저건 아무런 의미가 없습니다
유익한 정보와
꿀팁 감사합니다~^^
Eggshells take a very long time to become usable in the soil…not sure if your technique is a viable one
집에서 하고 있습니다…!! 튼튼하게 자라고 있어요….
Hola por ahí! Los esquejes son de bambú?
May I know can you reuse the egg shells after soaking for 1 week?
I just found your channel. The plants look so lovely! Thank you so much for the tips
@ Machaallah
Dean I will take Class for Real State near to me and my health is not stable enough include ill so many reasons
꼴랑 보내지마 물란하다
Parabéns… casca de ovo é ótimo fertilizante, contém cálcio, aqui Brasil usamos ele triturado o pó, misturado a terra.
역시 드루이드님 ♡
very good …great work
The calcium in egg shells just doesn’t “melt” into its water. The calcium is in the SHELLS themselves. It’s better to either crush or pulverize them in a coffee grinder. AND THEN sprinkle the shells on and around the potted plants themselves. If however, you USE a CALCIUM PILL and then add it to water, it will disintegrate into the water, thus turning it into Calcium Enriched Water. I would use both of them separately… for my plants.
thank you
Hello . I want cuttings vs blueberry okkk – a few figs okk – from 303 dan hoa thanh oai ha noi -telephone :+84 918464486
Spicy soup ok
볼 수록 패트병 물조리개가 탐나네요~^^
오.. 감사합니다, 블루베리가 너무 예쁘네요~
계란껍질 물에 우러나는거아닌데요. 껍질갈아서 화분위에 뿌려두면 돠어요
몇번을 다시 봤네요 계란껍질성분이 물에 녹나요?
How often do you spray the plants?Anyone knows?