March 18, 2025

VIDEO: 공짜로 천연비료 만드는 방법ㅣHow We Use Eggshells in Our Garden

달걀 껍데기로 천연 비료 만들어 식물에 영양보충하기

Slow Times Over Here


+편집프로그램 : 프리미어 프로

+촬영/편집 : Black네모

#Eggshells #fertilizer #달걀껍질비료

+ Creative Commons

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: 공짜로 천연비료 만드는 방법ㅣHow We Use Eggshells in Our Garden

  1. 계란껍질에 인 킬슘등이 들어있지만 그게 물에 녹는게 아니라서 저건 아무런 의미가 없습니다

  2. The calcium in egg shells just doesn’t “melt” into its water. The calcium is in the SHELLS themselves. It’s better to either crush or pulverize them in a coffee grinder. AND THEN sprinkle the shells on and around the potted plants themselves. If however, you USE a CALCIUM PILL and then add it to water, it will disintegrate into the water, thus turning it into Calcium Enriched Water. I would use both of them separately… for my plants.

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