Our friends the Hollars are here and I’m so excited to show Meg my garden!
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I like you but don’t wanna hear about you slaughtering animals. Thanks
I was raised with gardens and now that I'm living on my grandparents old property I've started their garden back. Watching your videos drives me and I've actually started making some of my own videos hoping I can inspire people the way you've inspired me. I'm very early on in my garden and everything is in pots because my grandpa's tiller was stolen off the property. But thank you for sharing your beautiful garden and family with us.
Would you let a fan drop by to say hi and look at your garden on their way through Arkansas?
Jessica, I had 20 San Mariano tomatoes. Shortly after planting 1 of my plants developed leaf curl (well hydrated plants) , then another, and another…until 6 of my plants had it. and not a lot of growth going on. They, like yours had no spots and the leaves remained green. I read that it could spread and take out the whole crop, so I sadly removed those plants. There seems to be a variety of viral/bacterial infections that could cause this.That was several days ago and so far the remaining plants all seem healthy and are putting on tiny tomatoes. You may want investigate. I{d hate to see either of us to lose our tomato crop. Please let us know how it goes. Good luck!
Looks like you weren't the only one who liked hot biscuits! haha!
Oh my oh my, my two favorite channels to watch in one! So exciting!! OH WOW, those itsy bitsy tomatoes are crazy looking….what will you do with such a small tomato?
So inspired I started a small garden in backyard on smaller scale…ty.
I had Rhode island reds..,they absolutely love choke cherry berries …plant some …and they love a rich compost pile with lots of bugs buzzing around it with rotting food matter…these two things will save you on a bit of feed.
hey ya'll…that teaspoon tomato is also known as Heirloom Red Currant Tomato….found the seeds at Pepper Joe's as teaspoon tomatoes…
Meg, don’t rush to put in your orchard in the heat of the summer. Down South (I’m in Georgia), autumn is a great time to plant trees. By the next spring they will have great root systems and be ready to put on top growth. Good luck!
You 2 are so cute together. Both of you have that easy smile and truly enjoy. Each other's company.
Your garden is amazing. I really want something similar. After having a tilled garden and BTE garden, we have decided raised beds, are what is best for our situation. I have purchased numerous IBC totes, and cut them down, water and electric run, and area fenced. Now just working on a permanent layout, and watering system.
When you have the ability to eat so many plants that are delicious and healthy, I don't understand why you would desire to raise an animal that loves and trusts you just to eat it.
I really love your family, It just hurts my heart to hear that one of your animals was killed. I know how much you love your animals, I just don't understand why you separate the animals in your heart. I see how much your heart aches if one of your goats or dogs dies, but it seems like you do not think of all animals in the same way. I know you would be so sad if journey piggy was killed. I really hope this does not come off as aggressive or angry I just feel very saddened over your piggy.
Your chicken story is so cute and HYSTERICAL! "Rhode Island Reds!"
Jess, I started my FIRST garden this spring and planted a Super Sauce Tomato that is doing EXACTLY what your tom plant is doing. Its leaves are curled. Both plants are curled. I read that lack of water or disease can cause the curling. They both are healthy and full of fruit…..just curled. Anyway I just wanted to tell u that…thanks!
Love these guys!
aw, that was a really great video, I wish I had seen it sooner.
Take a 4 mm blue tarp and placed over the plants that you think are getting too much sun and they perk up within a day or two you know they're getting too much sun hahaha I know I'm getting too much sun that's why I try to Garden under a tarp and then my Greenhouse will be under a tarp to the sun is so bright nowadays goodness gracious it really is bright
This is my first year with a real garden (past years ive only had a few containers) I have 4 4×4 beds, and it really is like my baby, lol. I check it multiple times a day and stare at it from the back door haha. I'm so excited for it to start really producing
Animals aren't ours to eat
The Borage flowers are bee-u-tiful on salads as well as nasturtiums.
I had no idea that was chamomile.
The hot biscuits. Is that just for looking at? I've never heard of that one before.
I follow meg and ben I've watched them all the way through..their not posting much their taking a break..i hope they are doing well