How I remove Suckers from Corn
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#옥수수 #Corn #Suckers
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Thank you
옥수수는 한대만 남기는건가요?? 지금 심기에는 늦었죠?
good job
You are good
영상도 너무 예쁘고 깔끔하고 정말 좋아요~~이대로 계속 해주세요!
Is it the same with plants that has bulbs roots?
good vidio suckers from corn
What do you do with the removed sprouts?
와 옥수수가 너무 이쁘게 열렸네요. 양도 많이 나오겠어요 !!
have you graduated from faculty of agriculture?
영상 잘 보고 갑니다~~ 혹시 농사가 본업이신가요?
台灣 目前 出現了一種害蟲 秋行軍蟲;吃我們農作物, 見到你家漂亮的種植 , 真是棒, 真是讚美主!
These "suckers" are technically called "tillers". The science-based advice is that removing them provides no benefit and no harm. So if you enjoy removing them, go ahead. Cheers.
Good info. Thank u