Today on the farm, we are starting a new adventure! And its a sweet one!
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No way! Lol You and sweet Mayah never cease to amaze me! When do you guys sleep??! Lol
You need to show some videos of you cooking your garden vegetables and using your herbs. Thanks , love your channel!
Do not just add drops into the water, they need to be emulsified in the syrup!! Oil and water do not mix so if the bees drink it while concentrated it can kill them!!!! Soy lechin is what I use in my devoted bee blender. Essential oils are hard to get out of plastic so be sure to dedicate a blender top to it. For mite prevention I use thymol
I love strolling in your garden with you
I loved how Ben was touching the flowers like you do. It was so adorable, he was so gentle
never get tired of your maters, you ask what we licked to grow my love is flowers, and getting anything to grow flowers fruits veggies, and just recently took up propagating things.
Never get tired of seeing your tomatoes. I love the gardening but sure enjoy seeing your animals. So happy to see healthy bees buzzing around. Really glad to see you do not use round up or toxic pesticides
Another great Vlog…
good luck w/ the bee hive'
My passion is also gardening. I dream to have a horse again and have also dreamed about alpacas.
Love your videos. Your laid back personality is the best. I learn a lot from your videos.
Nature, gardening. I love to see things grow. I love all things earthy. I want to be self sufficient as far as my food goes.
I watched you say that you don't can squash. But when I can spaghetti sauce I grate squash into it and then can it. I do it when I just make sauce for dinner too. That way you get more veggies sneakily.
I am very passionate about NONGmo/Organic gardening. We ripped out our front lawn and have an edible front and backyard with backyard chickens that are fed only Nongmo/organic so that our eggs are nongmo/organic. We have pet lionhead dwarf rabbits and feed them nongmo/organic so that our rabbit fertlizer will be nongmo/organic. My soapbox is very clearly labeled with my list of eatting real foods and living a clean life. I have a little blog on facebook called Queen Bee Pantry and try very hard to encourage everyone I know to plant something.
Idk if anyone mentioned it yet but you should look into Paul stamets he made a mycelium bee food that can help with hive health
Wish i could have a beehive! Not sure the neighbors would be impressed being so close to me lol
Get tired of looking at your tomatoes??? Not in a million years!!!
Second time I've watched this!
I can’t pinpoint the accent. Where is Elvis from?
The spartan shirt!!! We are an OCR family and have done races all over. Even traveled to Canada for the world championship a few years ago
My passion is molecular biology. I went to university as a 32 year old single mother to study cancer biology, and I would do it again tomorrow if I could. And plants, of course! I adore plants, watching them grow and thrive gives me great pleasure. I love your garden! I admire what you're doing very much, and I find your videos so comforting. Much love to you all x
Can you use fresh spearmint to flavor the water for the bees?
My passions:the vegetable garden, but also flowers like zinnia and sunflowers, and renovating our house, and learning something new about these things every time I plant a new garden or start a new project.
Hearing the kids excitement over the honey is so stinking cute
I love it all. I love the animal husbandry and I am so into the bees, but I also love the gardening. I love seeing your excitement towards different aspects of homesteading.
Where would you recommend someone to start learning about bee keeping?
can't go all Pooh bear on the honey hahahaha.
I love gardening. I learn things that go along with gardening. I now have chickens to eat the bad stuff that comes out of the garden. Next year hopefully i'll have bees to help myself and neighbors with pollination.
I didn't know what a passion I had for gardening until I started one a couple of years ago & so funny with the words you said about feeling alive because those words are exactly how I described it to my husband Saturday night who's only passion is drinking beer, Lol
I get passionate about so many things. But, they all seem short lived. I cook, craft, sew, garden (this year again). I love so much!!