A fruit you may not have heard of, but one you should have in the Garden.
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How To Grow An Apple Tree From SEED to FRUIT: https://youtu.be/1OqXRcguFsg
CUCUMBERS, Everything You Need To Know! https://youtu.be/2dq2OQsFCjM
5 TIPS FOR BUILDING HEALTHY SOIL: https://youtu.be/7-Tyz7fGeZo
These fruits are nature gift sir you are the lucky person you are enjoying lot's of fun your good friends are plants only
I simply adore Tuck. Please send him my love and a few belly rubs. He makes my day every single time I see him! Much love to Tuck!
Thumbs up to Master Tuck, the super pup!
I like the natural environment u have most beautiful natural fruit I doing my forest it be fun to get all this wisdom start teaching others it important to help mother Earth thank u for sharing ya wisdom!
Love yr vegetarian dog lol
Goumi Berries are Nitrogen Fixers
Is he selling any seeds i live in ocean County
Just wondering were you order from?
Will you ever sale seeds?
Tuck is a cutie. I dont watch for him though (dont tell him that. My dog likes blackberries and its just so cute to watch her pick them. Shes a big dog, so watching her croutch down and delicately pick them is a treat. He is a great little mascot though. Such a good boy.
I love autumn olives and I’ve been meaning to get a goumi bush for a few years. I need to get on that!
Wow! I was always wondering about your neighbours. Im interested if your neighbours edible garden design is a "sucker" (botanically speaking) of your action next door..
Love your channel buddy. I'm planning a few acres of food forest but I'm going to do it in segments. I have a lot of area cleared. It used to be an orchard in the past. Your style and energy is giving me a lot of motivation to get proactive. I've researched enough and now need to take more assertive action!
Also how bout something non edible to add. I was thinking Northern Bayberry would be nice. Then you can make pure bayberry wax candles from the berries. Sea buckthorne is another good one. I have some and they are like a nice lemon vitamin c pop. I mash them in with avocado in place of lime juice for an exotic guac. Maypop passion fruit vines should grow in your zone pretty nice. You should check out Oikos Tree Crops if you have never purchased anything from them.
OMG the garden looks absolutely gorgeous! So grateful to be seeing your garden progress and inspire as I start growing my own plants in large containers, until I find the perfect spot to put them in the ground!
I am trying to get some Goumi Berry cuttings. Any idea where I can find them?
What kind of variety is that? Which variety would you recommend buying?
This is very similar to the invasive Elaeagnus umbellata, the Autumn Olive species (noxious bush with late August berries) that grows all over the eastern U.S. You can still eat the berries though and they are very similar and high in lycopene. The species you speak of Elaeagnus multiflora (goumi) could likely be grafted onto the invasive species for more productive delicious varieties for this bush.
Have you noticed them becoming ‘invasive’ in your yard? I have been reluctant to add Autumn Olive to my yard to avoid it spreading to the native landscape.
hey James do you grow goji berry ?
Where can you get one?
Thans for great explanation…. and degrees Celsius
i remember when u first posted this video. thought id let you know i am planting my first goumi this year. thanks for all your great tips!
Enjoyed the video, great information.
I first tried goumi berries in Korea when my landlord gave me a big bowl of them. They are amazing… They have a huge pectin content, so they make a great base for jams. And when you can't get cranberries, they are an amazing substitute for cranberry jelly. But my favorite use? Put them in a mason jar, cover them with vodka and put them in the refrigerator for a few months. Pop a handful in a shaker with ice, shake hell put of them with more vodka, and make a wicked martini with them.
Always appreciate the information shared with so many plants…I enjoy this channel, very much, and have been binge watching it for a while….Good Job to the creator, I hope he knows how much he is appreciated and how much he is helping struggling gardeners, such as myself….Many thanks
What is the Latin name for this fruit
I cant find it in nederlands