March 7, 2025

25 thoughts on “VIDEO: LIVE with Roots and Refuge FARM! Post Animal Reveal!!!

  1. I guess i signed off too quickly last night…listening to everyones questions I really don't have much to say otherwise, other than I look so forward to watching you guys get to know the new flock…or "pack" for the record I did say a while back that I felt it was alpacas because you had mentioned it a long time ago in a vid or two, along with the peacocks lol, I will say that alpaca socks are THE BEST!!!! =) As always, thank you for all the great vids, I love your go big or go home attitude! I think I am going to learn a lot from these animals, as of now, they just have the cutest little faces and big soulful eyes! All the best to you =)

  2. Dreams don't always make sense. I love my chickens and love to give away eggs to people that need them. I live alone so cant eat all the eggs they produce, which give me a chance to share my bounty. Have a great day, Good Bless!

  3. So glad your dream has come true!  I'm excited to watch this adventure along with you!  When will the barns be built?  Miah has another project there!  And a donkey or two will help!  Set up that webcam for sure! 😉  Our daughter coached a girl's volleyball team, our granddaughter was on her Mom's team, and she named them the Volley Llamas! LOL!

  4. I knew it was alpacas! I saw one video where it was mentioned once and I knew that was the secret animal you were talking about. My husband has become obsessed with them over the past few months. I told him about a month ago that one of my favorite YouTube homesteads was getting his favorite animal. I’m excited to learn about them through you!!! It will be a long while before we are ready to add alpacas to our homestead.

  5. Like Ben said me so happy you have alpacas too! Me and my girls have been dreaming of having alpacas! Congratulations on your dream come true! You and your family are an inspiration to me and my kids!

  6. OH. MY. GOSH! Forget and AirBnB… You should do a "Farm Getaway Weekend (or week)"! I would totally pay to help you with your farm chores! Bahah! Also, you've talked a lot recently about spending time with animals being something you are passionate about, and I agree. I can spend an hour laying in the yard with my dog; hand combing her fur, or chasing her while playing "Get the ball/stick"! I live with my in laws right now, on a small property, and can't have anything besides my fish, and dog (which belongs to my bfs parents, but am glad to spend everyday with her) so anytime I get with to spend time with other's pets, especially farm animals, I hold it dear to my heart. I am one of those people that walks into a horse barn and says, "Wow, it smells good in here"! A horse hug is something I honor and adore!! So happy to see your joy! <3

  7. Speaking of admission… In New Jersey there is an alpaca farm that does tours for a fee… You could absolutely do whole farm tours once a week and use that money of course to turn back into the farm

  8. I raised Alpacas for a while.. HUGE investment…my herd cost more than my home, and I didn’t get my return on investment…best wishes..btw, you cannot direct sow Alpaca poop in your garden.

  9. Super cute and the story behind made me well up, so glad you could take the whole herd, i don't know if you know that in England you can do alpaca walks, and they are really busy with a long waiting list for spaces.

  10. Velociraptors!?!? Lolol

    I’m so excited for you guys and the new herd. You guys are on in my van so I can listen while I’m driving. You’re on while I’m in the kitchen. On while I’m in the dang shower even!

    I’m addicted to the Sowards! Xoxoxo

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