March 20, 2025

VIDEO: Top 3 Reasons I Grow Food in My Front Yard

I often hear comments from friends and family about how they CAN’T grow food at home, because it’s time consuming, expensive, complicated, etc. Instead of debunking those myths, I’m giving you the 3 BIG reasons that I find it SO important to grow my own food at home.

1. It’s good for your body AND mind.
2. You become more self-sufficient.
3. You build a stronger community.


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26 thoughts on “VIDEO: Top 3 Reasons I Grow Food in My Front Yard

  1. When I garden it makes me feel a deeper connection to God. God created everything including the land, water, seeds and all. It helps me be more grateful to Him for all He gives my family, friends and me.

  2. i garden because it puts me in touch with nature. Growing vegetables and flowers gives me such joy. To be a part of giving life . There are also the health benefits; mental and physical. The rewards are endless.

  3. My grandpa was a gardener so I always around gardens but one summer my family decided to plant a garden. I became the only one who took care of it but ever since I wanted to garden. This is my 2nd year with my own garden space, and I do it for the enjoyment and the fresh food aspect. I think I also enjoyed nurturing plants and watching them grow throughout the summer. I currently don’t have a lot of space with plenty of sun but since I discovered YouTube videos on how to maximize small garden spaces I really want to find creative ways to turn my yard into a super productive space.

  4. FANTASTIC VIDEO!!! It is so rewarding to grow your own FOOD N herbs…we save so much money plus always have plenty of extra for family and neighbors.
    We do gardening in 16 raised beds we built…it keeps us HEALTHY and we come up with so many new ideas how to CAN, freeze and prepare meals.
    I could not live without HERBS in my dishes…such a Blessed Treasure here on Earth…
    Great Video!!!

  5. I do it to relax. It's peaceful to me to get out in my little patio garden. Last year I started trimming my herbs and drying them for seasoning. This fall I am going to do my first food garden. Looking forward to tackling the challenges of a food garden and enjoying the rewards of my hard work ☺

  6. What type is bag soil are you using? Homedeopt soil prices are killing me when I want to start a new bed. Any pointers would help. Thank you.

  7. Amen to that brother! Fresh and healthy. Gardening improves my life all around. Epic gardening for life. Also love catching and eating my own fish. Just got to know where you're catching it from isn't super polluted lake or something. What do you mainly or what have you been fishing for? FYI I subscribe from Seattle area and fish mostly for trout and salmon. Some lake fish as well

  8. To witness new life! The sprouting of sown seeds and nurturing of tiny plants that grow and in turn, nourishes me is a miraculous thing! What an amazing cycle! And they taste so much better than store bought!! The flavor level jumped amazingly high when I started adding glacial rock dust, eggshell dust and Epsom salts to my planting beds. I personally feel the added trace minerals from the glacial silt, readily available calcium from the eggshells and water-solvable magnesium without pesticide nor herbicide load, increases nutrition, returns me back to the flavor of fresh, homegrown foods from great-grandma’s farm!

  9. When you grow up knowing the taste of tree-ripened fruit (juicy soft peaches….mmmmm) and the fragrance of tomato vine in the middle of the sunny day, you want to have all that bounty in your own garden (if you have one).

  10. New sub from Florida. Have you ever grown any plants that produce fruit or leaves for making tea! I was given a soursop tree and the leaves smell amazing and I’ve started drying the leaves in a basket and using them to make a wonderful tea. Wish I could learn a lot more about the soursop tree so I might keep this up for years to come. Enjoying your channel.

  11. Totally agree there is a special bond with Nature that is essential to humans and affects us positively on a psychological and physical level. The turpenes releases from plants is an amazing immunity booster from Mother Nature.

  12. For all the reasons you stated plus to expose my kids to it. I want them to know where food comes from and I see gardening as a major offset to the common mindset of convenience and immediacy.

  13. I recently became interested in gardening from a zero waste/sustainability perspective. I wanted to eat food that didn't come wrapped in excessive plastic packaging and didn't have to travel so far to reach my plate. Additional benefits/reasons include mental health and development of new hobbies, as I felt I lost a lot of hobbies through and post-college years.

  14. Covid! The pandemic made my boyfriend scared to eat salads, lol! Being stuck at home, I've expanded our tiny apt. living space by transforming the balcony into a garden. I can't say how great it feels to:
    1) have fresh produce ready to put in a salad or smoothie — no more worries about food going bad;
    2) enjoy new flavours — before now, I only had dried herbs — I've learned that fresh herbs is really a whole new world!
    3) eat food for "free" while global warming and the pandemic are causing the price of fresh produce to skyrocket;
    4) take mini-breaks from the computer; even just 5 min. is so refreshing, I return to work recharged;
    5) see hummingbirds up close — adding flowers for them and seeing them has been the highlight of my day, I want to add more!

  15. I growing my own food because of Daniel over at Arms Family Homestead and Gardening with Leon. Watching Leon grow veggies and fruit in a 55 gallon food grade drum aka the hydroponic system. It blow my mind. Then seeing Daniel and his youngest son growing food in a high tunnel and seeing how excited Daniels son gets every year to grow watermelon. It lighted a fire in my soul seeing the joy on their faces. But then I was thinking that because I live in an apartment I couldn't grow anything but herbs. But then I remembered seeing the topsy turvy and thought I could grow tomatoes. But that didn't work. So then I started to watch other channels and found smart pots. Yes I did try plastic pots and clay pots. But I could never get the watering right. So I bought some smart pots and a tarp to put on my carpet. Then one day I had to make the hard choice to take apart my dresser but didn't want to throw it all away. So I ended up taking the top and the two sides and made three tables. Well shameless plus if you go over to my channel you'll see what IAM doing in my apartment with no backyard, patio or balcony. I could still use some help. Iam still in my first year of growing. I've made some mistakes. Iam still learning patience. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed week and coming weekend. Sending love and hugs from the central coast of Cali.

  16. Both my grandmothers were gardeners and I sometimes helped them in their very urban gardens in New Jersey. Then when I was 19 I spent a summer living and working on a working garden. I learned how to grow food and can and freeze small fruits and vegetables. Two years later I started homesteading in the Ozarks. We had chickens and goats, fruit trees, and a big garden. We also made maple syrup. When I moved back to the city, I gardened in most of the places I lived. Then about ten years ago a series of unfortunate events occurred and I got away from gardening. I couldn’t even keep a houseplant alive. I had too many responsibilities and caring for another living thing felt like another responsibility.

    Then came corona virus. Today is July 14, I’ve been out of work since March 13. I’m alone almost all of the time. I have no income except for Social Security which converts the rent and utilities. I make masks and that covers the groceries but that’s about it. I have to live very frugally.

    When I was last gardening I had been growing arugula, which I love, and it was easy. I decided I would try growing it indoors. I also got a few herb plants. While looking for information on the internet, I stumbled upon Epic Gardening and got inspired. Now I am wondering what all can I grow in my little apartment and on the front (close to full shade) balcony and on the back (very sunny and scorching lay hot) back steps. I’m going to find out!

    So, I am having fun growing microgreens. I don’t even have a real crop yet, but I take a bite of a few of the still growing sprouts. I get to have fresh herbs, which I pay a lot for in the grocery and half of it often goes to waste. It’s getting me outside. It’s stimulating my imaginations and creativity. I’ll let you know how it goes.

    A question: now that I’m trying to grow microgreens and baby greens, I’m wondering if there are some seeds we shouldn’t sprout. I cut an apple today and thought about sprouting the seeds and then I remembered that they contain something we shouldn’t eat, like maybe cyanide. I assume we shouldn’t sprout tomato seeds. Are there any other seeds from edible plants we shouldn’t eat?

    That was probably more than you bargained for but I have loved gardening, too. It feels like I’ve been reunited with an old friend. Thank you for your videos. They are a joy to watch and very helpful.

  17. 4th reason: gardening makes you sexy and interesting for women
    Imagine you're walking in your neighbourhood and suddenly you see a man working his frontyard, growing all kind of things, tanned and smiling to his tomatoes 😀 Love at first sight! You must stop and engage in some kind of conversation until he takes his hands off the dirt… so you can see if there is a ring 😉 If he's a ring-less man you need to say "Your girlfriend is so lucky! she can enjoy all this beautiful vegetables everyday!". If he smiles and says "yes, she loves helping with garden" be polite, say bye and keep walking. If he smiles and says "I'm just eating my lettuce alone" it's the sign, so get his number and subscribe to Epic Gardening so you can learn the basics and talk about plants with him.

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