March 19, 2025

VIDEO: Plants You Can Intercrop With Tomatoes To Maximize Yield & Protect Soil Health

Intercropping has many benefits. But the big one is protecting the soil and growing more food in less space. As a high intensity organic gardener this can be a huge asset to us. These are the plants you can plant with tomatoes that make excellent intercropping choices. Check out our new clothing line!

27 thoughts on “VIDEO: Plants You Can Intercrop With Tomatoes To Maximize Yield & Protect Soil Health

  1. What could I plant near our zucchini and other squash to help with pest control. Also near cucumber. Something is eating all of them. I don't see a bug but there holes in the leaves.

  2. Thank you for continuously pumping out such great content! I've learned so many things that I would not have even considered otherwise. Keep it up!

  3. I have 6 Early Girls in half whisky barrels. I have 3 surrounded with Bush beans, 2 with lettuce, and 1 with carrots. Around my 6 Bush Champions, in 10 gallon nursery pots, I have herbs. Basil, thyme, chives, oregano, and rosemary.

  4. I love the concept of intercropping, but I only have a balcony pot garden and am concerned about not giving plants enough root space!! Is this something I should be concerned about growing veggies in pots?

  5. I know this video is 2 yrs. old, but thank you so much for the information! I have been inter-cropping basil for a few years, and it has worked out tremendously. But I haven't thought about many of the other plants that you have mentioned. Can't wait until next year.

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