Intercropping has many benefits. But the big one is protecting the soil and growing more food in less space. As a high intensity organic gardener this can be a huge asset to us. These are the plants you can plant with tomatoes that make excellent intercropping choices. Check out our new clothing line!
VIDEO: Plants You Can Intercrop With Tomatoes To Maximize Yield & Protect Soil Health
Intercropping has many benefits. But the big one is protecting the soil and growing more food in less space. As a high intensity organic gardener this can be a huge asset to us. These are the plants you can plant with tomatoes that make excellent intercropping choices. Check out our new clothing line!
Tomtato plant search it up. Potatos and Tomatos on one plant
What could I plant near our zucchini and other squash to help with pest control. Also near cucumber. Something is eating all of them. I don't see a bug but there holes in the leaves.
great vid!!
Would this work in a 30 gallon grow bag?
Thank you for continuously pumping out such great content! I've learned so many things that I would not have even considered otherwise. Keep it up!
Can you write a book please!
Is it ok to plant bell & hot peppers on the same bed as tomatoes? also, is it ok for eggplant on the same bed as okras?
Thank you! Very usable information
Great presentation. All about the gardening. Love these vids. Thank you.
I do like these videos but I wish they would just get to the point of the video instead of all the chat. 9 times out of 10 I switch off.
I have 6 Early Girls in half whisky barrels. I have 3 surrounded with Bush beans, 2 with lettuce, and 1 with carrots. Around my 6 Bush Champions, in 10 gallon nursery pots, I have herbs. Basil, thyme, chives, oregano, and rosemary.
Great info for a beginner gardner like me. Thanks for amazing content.
I try to plant flowers near my tomotoes to encourage pollination.
Good stuff
outside flower: borage
I really hope this channel reaches one million subscribers, best gardening content on YouTube hands down. Thank you
Great info even the snippets here and there like root veggies liking phosphorus more than nitrogen, keep it up !
I love the concept of intercropping, but I only have a balcony pot garden and am concerned about not giving plants enough root space!! Is this something I should be concerned about growing veggies in pots?
I know this video is 2 yrs. old, but thank you so much for the information! I have been inter-cropping basil for a few years, and it has worked out tremendously. But I haven't thought about many of the other plants that you have mentioned. Can't wait until next year.
This is the best gardening channel, i alwaqys come ta Luke fer all my gardening needs he helps me alot with his videos
I noticed you don't use a drip system. How do you water your plants, especially tomatoes? And how often? TKS
Great info. Thank you.
How about cucumbers??
radish gives nitrogen into the soil also
Geraniums are best friends to tomatoes also. Makes the garden pretty at the same time.
Love love love the info!!!!