Today is the 6th weekly walk through Garden Tour of the 2019 season. We are gardening in zone 7b, Central Arkansas. We use natural growing practices, no chemical fertilizers or pesticides and grow primarily heirlooms.
List of mentioned varieties:
Purple Podded Beans
Tanya’s Pink Podded Beans
Bridge to Paris Pepper
Topepo Gallo Pepper
Manganji Sweet Pepper
Old Alabama Red Okra
Chrysanthemum Melon
Haskorea Hot Pepper
Black Beauty Tomato
Kajari Melon
Redmon Cactus Zinnia
Paul Robeson Tomato
Large Barred Boar Tomato
MO Pink Love Apple Tomato
Italian Heirloom Tomato
Dr. Wyches Tomato
Wild Boar Farm Cherokee Rose Tomato (Matte skin)
Kelloggs Breakfast Tomato
Pineapple Ground Cherries (Garden Candy)
Variegated Basil
Holu Basil, Tulsi
Lettuce Leaf Basil
Zloty Lan Chamomile
Beefsteak Tomato
Climbing Trip-L-Crop
Thai Soldier Beans
Titan Sunflowers
Blue butterfly peas
Queen Lime Mix of Zinnias
Red Noodle Beans
Painted Lady Tomato
Blue Cream Berries Tomato
White Wonder Cucumer
Kaho Melon
Beni Kodima Melon
Teddy Bear Sunflowers
Red Swan Beans
Elephant Garlic
Cantare Beans
Yamato Long Cucumbers
Zucchino Rampicante Squash
Armenian White Cucumber
Snake Beans
Texas Hill Country Okra
Bowling Red Okra
Hot Biscuits Amaranth
Love Lies Bleeding Amaranth
Dar cucumbers
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Omgosh your son is adorable!
lol ive watched this so many times and im just now noticing maliah at 8:55
This holy basil is called Karpoor Tulsi and not much fragrant. There are 2 more Holy basil varieties which are very pungent to smell and used for cold and cough too in winters
Arkansas Little Leaf cucumber has seeds, in my limited experience, taste like honey. And it's a pickling cucumber! That one will grow in my garden forever, I love the White Wonders but Arkansas Little Leaf has a very special place in my heart.
Can you explain the peroxide spray? I'm curious
I have been binge watching your videos for two days now – amazing. I feel as though I have completed 30 credits of Gardening University. Thank you so much!
Need to see how your family eats all this produce you harvest!! Show us some of your typical meals and how you cook these items!
Delicious tomato is known for big tomatoes. I had a huge garden once in the country where I had a small greenhouse and lots of old cow manure and I don't know what variety it was because every seed i planted grew great with the green house. It made beautiful really delicious and really big pinkish tomatoes. They were thin skinned but so luscious and meaty, sweet and mild.
I love the green tomatoes. I use them for green tomato relish and I make mustard pickles in the fall with them. I use all the weird shaped ones. So yummy.
you're so cool
I am 71 an I love your videos.. I love hearing you laugh an how you laugh with your children an your hubby.. that life is so much fun with you an your family an you don’t make everything so serious… continue making your life an your children’s life an your hubbies a enjoyable adventure… God Bless you all
Love you so much ( no disrespect to your husband). You're like the Millennial gardener neighbor everyone wants.
I love the sounds of night in the country, what a great night sleep you probably get. Your garden is absolutely beautiful.. and I can just imagine the lovely smells coming from all those plants. I’m in Denver Colorado.. we hear sirens mostly
Love that touch of spicy, too cute
I have a question that you have probably been asked over and over again, but I was curious, with your experience, do you think that your tomatoes that cat face are due to them being hybrids? And do you find that it only happens with certain tomatoe plants?
Those Redmon cactus red zinnas are sooooo pretty!!!!!! I have to find those! I always love your garden!
Oh no! The chickens must be so depressed, having had
their wings clipped. How very sad!
I have little space for a garden so I am container gardening. What are your favorite sweet tomatoes to grow?
Never had a basil that wasn't extremely fragrant! I wonder what the deal was?
Ben is soooooo adorable! He is Miah's little double. Jess you keep me inspired!
You did! You waited a little longer to plant the pepper plants and they did better.
Is every bloom on the Kajari melon going to turn into a fruit?
When I watch your videos, I keep thinking that what you are living is true happiness
i miss your harvest garden tours! goodluck with your new home and garden! love you jess and your family.