In this video I show you a low budget alternative for root pruning grow bags. Smart pots work great but can be expensive. The grow bags I show you are a fraction of the cost and work exactly the same as the brand name grow bags! Give them a try in your garden!
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#growbags #smartpots #containergardening #rootpruning
I really like your use of alternative methods and materials! This one makes a lot of sense! The stores produce lots of these which keeps the cost down, and the recycled part just makes things all the better! Good job Opie!
Now chemicals from goofy logo end up in your food.
For health reasons, I do my best to do organic gardening. Does anyone know if these bags contain BPA or other harmful chemicals?
Thanks for the idea have been able to grow my family's kale all summer long.
Do you drill holes m on the sides of the wicking bed kiddie pools?
I just started gardening and this is so smart! Thank you. I just subscribed haha
10 grow bags for $8 on Amazon is cheaper than your store bags
Thank you
Best advice on YouTube, don’t know why the likes don’t match views.
Great ideas! Thanks !!
You are the best!!
Yes this is great! I saw this as a substitute but was afraid of the longevity, thank you so much sir
I used mine this last growing season, two different supermarket chains, one of these perished in about 5 months and the other perished as well but not as fast, only 1 growing season out of these bags, they were ok till i decided to move them then the handles ripped off at the join, so now this season Im going to try the make your own type with weed mat.. cheers
Excellent! You've saved me so many hours of sewing my own bags.
What does "self-pruning bag" mean?
If only they didn't stop selling them?
In Ukraine such ecobags in stores cost a fortune ((
Wondering if I can grow sugar baby watermelon plant in a reusable bag? I found some at Dollar Tree I believe should be about the same..
I have seen them, but you have to watch which you get. Some have plastic lining which makes them waterproof so they wont leak
I have seen them, but you have to watch which you get. Some have plastic lining which makes them waterproof so they wont leak
Darn I thought I was the first genius to think of this haha! I am actually somewhat new to gardening and have been trying to think of more cost friend alternatives like this. I was thinking of seeing what I can come up with using a a canvas throw cloth I never ended up needing to use when I painted my living room. I'm not sure how well canvas material will hold up but I have some scrap wood I can use for structural support. And earlier I was going through my closets and under the beds trying to get a donation pile going and I have a couple of old suitcases I was going to donate ….just your standard fabric zip up suitcase on wheels with the extending handle…..and I thought hey….I think I can make that work actually!! I'm a renter and only have a small narrow porch/deck I'm working with and a small little pathway with some stairs that I'm going to have to get real creative with! Videos like these are motivating and fun!!
Fantastic thank you so much
I came up with this idea a few days ago and just decided to check if someone also
Decision made.
I'm so glad I watched this before leaving . I was literally about to spend 60 bucks on a handful of "grow bags ". What a brilliant idea
Sorry but those don't last.
They'll break and make a mess.