March 25, 2025

VIDEO: WORST Garden Season on YouTube | STARTING OVER.

WORST Garden Season on YouTube | STARTING OVER. no till gardening 101 with mulch covering on building healthy soil.
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Back to Eden Organic Gardening 101 Method with Wood Chips VS Leaves Composting Garden Soil #2 : .

How to Build a Raised Wood Chip Organic Gardening Bed for beginners, Cheap Designs – Part 1. .

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27 thoughts on “VIDEO: WORST Garden Season on YouTube | STARTING OVER.

  1. Being in a similar zone, it's encouraging to know there's still time to try some summer planting. I had a late start this year and I thought I would have to wait until it's time to start the fall garden. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of the winter wheat, too. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have a strip in my garden about 3 ft wide and about 30 ft long. I bought some white clover,red clover and buckwheat seed. I need to start enriching my soil. I was wanting to plant those seeds in this spot in an attempt to build my soil. However, I still want to plant some crop in there as well. After the harvest I thot I would cut the clover down with the hedgers, just let it lay there and break down. Does this sound ok to you? I guess another way to put it is, " Can you start a cover crop anytime during the garden season ? Hope you can make sense of my idea ! Haha!

  3. North west montana here. Weather has been so terrible that without a greenhouse it was hopeless! Most perennials went to seed last month and the berries did not even blossom!! Greenhouse next year!. Its been horrid. Now it's either in the 90s or low 60s every few days ssoo I'm skipping a fall garden as well!

  4. Thanks, Mark. This year everything is at least 2 weeks behind. Even under cover. Cold nights, clouds, wind, aarrgghh. I harvested some of the garlic and so far it is really good. Yesterday, got 2 strawberries, first this year. Just got to keep going and be thankful for what we get. Rock on.

  5. You guys got lots of water and cool temperatures. Here in NC Ive been getting high temperatures since our short almost nonexistent Spring. Ive been watering since May. Good luck.

  6. Hi Mark, The summer planted winter rye did not vernalize (get a cold exposure) so they won’t set seed. So will the rye die by autumn or will it live to spring?

  7. A little off topic, any thoughts on pest control, specifically Japanese Beetles? They have destroyed my cherry trees and peaches.

  8. I’m in CO at 6000 feet. Sugar snap peas, potatoes and chili peppers are going gangbusters. Tomatoes and onions are so-so. Everything else is a bust. Nothing germinated outdoors despite 100% success in germ tests. Zero cucumbers, limited winter squash and pumpkins. Summer squash may be next to nothing and who can’t grow zucchini?!?! Our 8 inches snow May 21 didn’t help but even things planted after that have been bad. VERY HUMBLING. Worst garden I’ve had my whole life and I was born in the 50s!

  9. Hey Mark. Do you happen to know what insect left their eggs on your pumpkin leaves. I have the same eggs on mine and I don't know if its a big issue or maybe it's a beneficial one. Great videos I have structured my garden using your guidance and it looks great really flourishing

  10. The storms this year have been extreme. I hope it's just a fluke and not a indication of what the future holds for us.
    It will be interesting to see how the crops do with the winter rye in the mix.

  11. Just subbed! Thank you! QUESTION: whe you sow yuor winter rye, or any cover crop for that matter, are you just using a seeder that throws it around? and then what? you just water it back into the soil or do you use some kind of method that will lightly cover those cover crop seeds with soil?

  12. Hi Mark, good work & great information for growing food nature's way !
    Could you please comment ? :
    What is the history of the soil in the video as far as cover crops/ roto-tilling/any mechanical work etc.
    before roto-tilling shown in the video ?
    One thing you never commented on but which I find interesting is that you drive over/walk on the
    soil (which I fully understand because of the size of operation etc. but it somehow rang a bell
    when I compare other no till gardens).
    Would it work to just throw the cover crop seed (winter rye/crimson clover) on the soil without any disturbance of the soil ?
    I ask because I was just given use of a small piece of land, it is 18/12/2020 and the ground
    was worked with a large tractor beforehand and is now quite wet and I'm trying desperately to
    at least get an initial start on cover cropping as I will be going "no till" and doing everything by hand ?

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