March 15, 2025

VIDEO: Bale Garden Harvest!

This has been a very strange growing season in the Brew City Garden. However, we finally get a decent harvest out of our bale garden. Some things are maturing faster then usual and some things are maturing much slower. I’m just happy to be harvesting my own home grown produce from the bale garden! Thanks for watching!

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12 thoughts on “VIDEO: Bale Garden Harvest!

  1. Hi Opie! My peppers nearly died due to over fertilizing — but they came back strong! The whole garden was a bit late to start with, so the only harvesting we are doing is cherry tomatoes — lots of them. Your garden looks great! It looks like a jungle in there!

  2. Peppers looking really good. That squash is kicking chicken I tell ya! Those ground cherries looked so tasty. Not the critters beating you to them. Yes sir I will take the heat over winter any day but there is a limit on these triple digit temps hanging in for a month is a bit much. Your peppers are looking so good! You got that right on fresh out the garden beats the heck out of buying them from a store from god only knows where they come from. Nothing wrong with that harvest at all. Hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Harvest looks great! I understand about the strange season. It's been very wet and I am cutting down an apple tree due to black rot in trunk with signs of spread to my 2 other trees. On a spray regime. I have to try those ground cherries. Jalapenos in olive oil for a kick is delicious. Thanks for sharing.

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