March 27, 2025

VIDEO: What Happened to This Grow Wall? | Vertical Vegetable Garden

In this video, I explain what happened to our vertical grow wall made from pallets designed for growing vegetables. This type of food growing technique is great for growing vegetables in small spaces but I give several tips and a demonstration to show how to have better success.

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Self Sufficient Me is based on our small 3-acre property/homestead in SE Queensland Australia about 45kms north of Brisbane – the climate is subtropical (similar to Florida). I started Self Sufficient Me in 2011 as a blog website project where I document and write about backyard food growing, self-sufficiency, and urban farming in general. I love sharing my foodie and DIY adventures online so come along with me and let’s get into it! Cheers, Mark 🙂

26 thoughts on “VIDEO: What Happened to This Grow Wall? | Vertical Vegetable Garden

  1. Pallet wood isn't toxic? Has something changed? I've always remembered that pallet wood was the most toxic right next to using railroad ties = fine if you were just doing landscaping, but not to be used near food production or as they decompose to never use the soil that was contaminated by them…
    Anyone have updated info/perspective?

  2. Mark love the small space veggie wall.Over here in the Florida Keys (USA), we don't have a lot of planting space for food gardens persa. But we do have a lot of container gardens .Have been looking in on all of your videos and they have been just great, congrats on them..Will continue to have a look see when ever I get on the net. Health to you and yours ..

  3. Mark can you make a pallet grow garden with pallet seats and cover area. I live in city with small back yard. But was love an idea for a seating area with grow wall and cover area……eg small area with pallets and plastic or simple shade …really love your ideas..have started composting and 3litre milk container herbs tomatoes

  4. I think this may be a great idea for my growing. However can I use composted cow manure mixed with peat moss as the grow medium? I can get the manure free on the organic farm I work on.

  5. I'm Italian, but I've never seen that kind of basil… Its leaves are far thinner/more elongated than the typical Italian basil I know and use.

  6. "Let's get into it." Always puts a smile on my face. . Thanks for the happiness and calmness u spread around thru ur videos. Love it

  7. Hey mate, in case it helps. I tried a similar pallet wall with strawberries and found that a top only irrigation system didn’t quite cut it. The bottom area was still a bit dry. I ran a few vertical weeping pipes from top to bottom instead. I think for the next one I might also add a little clay into the soil mix and see if that helps hold water a bit better too

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