March 17, 2025

VIDEO: We Used an Electric Toothbrush on Our Tomato Flowers for 3 Months and The Results Blew us Away

What happens when you use an electric toothbrush on your tomato plants? Amazing things happen…mind blowing things happen. Give it a shot!

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28 thoughts on “VIDEO: We Used an Electric Toothbrush on Our Tomato Flowers for 3 Months and The Results Blew us Away

  1. Thankyou for the countdown.its so wet here this year in Tn the bumble bees havent been around and we have a food plot loaded with clover ….big distraction for the bees now.

  2. My question(s) can you show a flower pre it ok to buzz them ,not sure which ones i hit,multiple days or should i leave the really big open flowers alone? Thanks ,love the channel love you get the kid into it.she seems to really enjoy garden time with dad.

  3. I'm assuming that by hand pollinating each flower, you're not having an issue with cross pollination which is part of why you're able to have so many varieties within such close proximity?

  4. Yellow Jacket Hornets are actually the ones who pollinate these “high vibration needing” plants. But people are killing them with pesticides, traps & other methods: So they are KILLING THEIR POLLINATORS. Most of the time if people don’t mess with yellow jackets, they never get stung. In fact, yellow jackets “get to know” residents in a house or area, & they know when strangers are present too. They get used to normal daily activites of residents, but a stranger goes different places on the property, & makes different noises, which upsets the pollinators.
    Yellow jackets always lived just inside my mom’s shed door. She said: “Leave them alone, they KNOW ME. They never bother me. They don’t know strangers, so they sting strangers.” She viewed them as a type of “security system” for her shed, which was full of her tools.
    Lots of times, wasps & yellow jackets have been living in people’s covered entrances to their homes. They never stung anyone. But then one day home owner NOTICES THEIR NEST! Gets upset, wants them GONE ASAP. Kills them, & there go their pollinators!
    Leave pollinators alone & they will leave you alone & work for you & pollinate those plants that bees don’t pollinate.

  5. My greenhouse tomato flowers have started falling i have ordered a toothbrush lets wait for results ,i have been listening this trick from so many years ,being a botany student lets begin the experiment .

  6. I'm new to this. My last Aerogarden crop of cherry tomatos didn't give me one tomato, even though I shook the branches vigorously as suggested. So, I saw this video and, love this inventive idea but, what I am not clear on is, as you demonstrated the toothbrush position on the flower and saw the pollen come out, is that enough that the pollen came out for fruit to come or, does the pollen have to fall on another plant to pollinate it. Yeah, I know. Total newbie. But, I just planted a second crop of cherry tomatoes in my Aerogarden yesterday and, am hoping for at least one tomato this time. heh.
    P.S. As much as I appreciate your demonstration, that little beauty walking around the garden as you spoke kind of stole the show:)

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