We are curing, processing, and storing our garlic. We will be storing these for 6-9 months! Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
VIDEO: How to Cure Process and Store Garlic for Maximum Storage Life
We are curing, processing, and storing our garlic. We will be storing these for 6-9 months! Check out our new clothing line! http:www.freshpickedapparel.com
I'm late to the garlic party. In 2020 I planted my first batch of garlic. It grew fantastic!! Im so excited it worked so well.
your daughter is well mannered. that tells me what kind of parent you guys are!
How can I order garlic to grow
Tomorrow I will trim off the roots. I have hung my 20 braided hard necked garlic on my deck in the shade during our heat wave. They are now relaxing hanging up in my pantry. Looking great.
What a sweet little girl. Made me smile the whole video .
So cute
If it has been raining and humid should I let it cure longer than 2 weeks?
Could your daughter be any cuter?! I have to watch the video over because I was only paying attention to her the first time. Luke, can you fill the basket right up or should you keep it just a couple of layers deep?
Garlic needs to be handled like eggs. Without banging them. It's really important, from the time of harvest to storage.
Your daughter is adorable
Wait! What? Huh? Did you say something Luke? I was watching the star, Geneva, and I missed it… Oh my gosh she is toooo adorable.
Ok, I usually just freeze dry it and make garlic powder, but, I'll try it your way. I've dried it and dried it, and, like my onions, it just tried to grow. I would prefer to have while cloves, so, it cant hurt. For the next year, I just leave a bun h in the ground. They always come back next year.
i cut a short and my garlic storelife time is 10mounth
Do you store them in a dark place indoors? Room temp? Thanks for these tips!
Thanks for helping me with this year's crop. Geneva is such a star! Loved the video!
awesome ,man….thanks
What a cute kiddo!!!!!! Thanks for the useful info!!!
Phew. Am a bit late to dig it out. Today :))) Ćao ćao
This was one of my favorite video's! Geneva adds a wonderful component.
so slow….could say the whole thing in about 10 min. and the tease with the kid……while she's so patient with him…not even noticing her.
darling garlic helper !!!
So I kind of made a mistake, I cut the roots before drying them out (they’re not cut right down to the bulb there’s still a good couple of CM of roots there but will my garlic be ok ?
Thanks! Very helpful
would you say growing garlic to sell is worth it? been trying to look into growing plants for a business because i love plants but deciding what to grow is tough