Don’t get caught falling into a routine
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→ Birdies Raised Beds: COUPON CODE: TUCK
→Mykos Pure Mycorrhizal Inoculant:
→6 Mil Greenhouse plastic:
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→Insect Netting:
→BT Spray for Brassicas:
→Pruners I use:
→Tomato Clips:
→Square Foot Gardening Book:
→My Boots
→Contact: (Business Only)
Thanks for your constant sharing and your contagious enthusiasm…
love you channel!! very inspiring
Ah man, I'm so impatient. I just want your food forest in my backyard already! I also suffer from what you sooooo accurately called Analysis Paralysis! Haha love that term. Loving your videos all the way from downunder Aus
Does anyone know what breed Tuck is? maybe it was mentioned before?
Just observe and react quickly if you live in a place that Rains sunshine instead of water , like Arizona or your tomatoes will be dehydrated on the vine.
That dog eating from the garden is too funny. Just curious though, north, central, or south jersey?
Your videos contain priceless info. Really appreciate it. Thanks!
Wow! Thank you for the lightning-freezing-N info
My friend you are talking too fast. Please be slow.
‘There’s no such things as mistakes as long as we learn from them’ that line right there made me feel good, sounds so damn right! Wish someone told me that few years back… where in a hell where you ffs!!!
1:44 The lightning thing is dope!
what part of jersey? north, south ? I live outside philly. in the suburbs and just want to compare our climates.
love your channel. so much to learn. my wife and I are trying, newbies to doing a garden this year. maybe show cooking/prepping your veggies and fruit.
like what do you do with excess fruit when it comes in abundantly and how do you keep your supply coming in as the seasons change?
and how bout some medicinal type plants and flowers. including fungi.
that's alot. but thanks. peace.
Me parese interesante tu forma de cuidar tus frutas verduras para obtener un producto de calidad pero t puedo pedir un favor yo soy de ecuador y no entiendo el idioma sera posible q agreges los subtitulos en español me harias un gran favor
Yo sigo tu programa desde hace tres años tambien tengo una pequeña huerta y deseo obtener los productos como los tuyos pero no entiendo el ingles
wondering what watering system you use: pipe diameter, localized water delivery or drip, timer etc. thanks a lot
Question: does the chlorine in city water harm the mycorrhizal fungi? Our water comes from wells but the water board adds chlorine and fluoride. Only 6 ppm max but the stuff is designed to kill microorganisms. I can let water sit for a while to let it dissipate or boil it for 2 minutes and let it cool, or spend a couple of thousand for a rainwater harvesting system. Question is, do I need to worry about it? Any help from you or your viewers would be a greatly appreciated. Thanks for all you do, so very helpful!
Love Tuck to bits, and so does my chihuahua. (She wants to know if he is single!)
Thanks, James, I really am enjoying your videos and have learnt so much already. I live in Cape Town South Africa. I am a Pastor and don;t know why I waited so long to grow my own veg – especially tomatoes of which I am really proud.
Awesome Tuck footage!
You're like a gardening God. I sense you have a spiritual connection to the earth/plants/nature
He’s so cute!!!!!!! I just love him
Not even a minute in and wow some great tips right away.
Love you channel bro! Always fantastic videos. So well edited. Love the pup and the way you say water! -cheers from Texas.
I live in Arkansas. We average around 60in a year. The problem is all that rain happen in fall and winter so we have to water quit a bit in the summer. Even tomatoes get once every other day. The first year of transplant tree's get water.
You had me until you said Lightning in the rain produced and free's up nitrogen for the plants. NOT !