March 26, 2025

VIDEO: Our Deep-Mulch Vegetable Garden After TWO MONTHS of Complete Neglect

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Paula and I were tied up for much of June and July, meaning that we were often away from home and entirely away from our garden. So in this video, we’d like to quickly show you how our deep mulch garden managed its self during half a summer of complete and utter neglect. No watering or weeding, no pruning or thinning, and no staking or stringing. Just a garden left entirely up to nature, for two whole months.

Companion Planting Asparagus and Strawberries (No-till, Ruth Stout)

Spring Prep in our “No-Work” Garden, and an EASIER way to Spread Mulch

Preparing our Hugelkultur Garden for Winter: Chop and Drop

The Ruth Stout Method of Permaculture

337 lbs of Potatoes! NO digging, NO watering, and VERY LITTLE work!

Planting Potatoes in a Ruth Stout Permaculture Garden (QUICK and EASY)

Results from our NO DIG and NO WATER potato experiment (Ruth Stout Method)

Companion Planting Carrots, Radishes and Onions in a Ruth Stout (HAY-ONLY) Garden

Results and Lessons Learned from our Carrot, Onion, and Radish Experiment

Plant Hardiness Zone, Rainfall, and Other Important Information

Winter Ruth Stout Permaculture Update and HAY vs STRAW

29 thoughts on “VIDEO: Our Deep-Mulch Vegetable Garden After TWO MONTHS of Complete Neglect

  1. Starting some Ruth Stout beds this year along side my raised beds because of your videos. Thank you for all the information – including one that shows it's okay to get distracted

  2. One thing you can think about adding to your garden would be walking onions because they do very well when you ignore them. I forgot that I had planted some a couple years ago and finally went back to the place where I planted them and found them they were in excellent health even though they had been completely neglected for two years. I subdivided the crowns and ended up with 40 new bulbs to plant. Needless to say this summer I’m going to have a lot of walking onions LOL

  3. I just stumbled upon your channel and fell in love! My husband and I are beginning to garden JUST like you guys! The no till method and the thick hay/straw mulch. I was just curious how big your beds are? This is the one thing we are having a hard time deciding. Thanks in advance! Good luck with everything!

  4. Just subscribed and been binge watching your videos. Lost count of how many times I've said 'finish the fence!' Thanks for the excellent lockdown entertainment and finish the ruddy fence please!

  5. Just wondered about chemicals sprayed on hay and straw. Seems like there are stronger and less safe pesticides being used these days. I'd love to try the permaculture method but hate to introduce unknown chemicals into my garden.

  6. Thank you, this is so inspiring! I rented a plot next to my granparents to experiment with mulching and as you might expect they try to encourage petal perfect plots instead of 'managed wilderness'. The have been gardening for over 50 years. 2 weeks ago I tossed some cut grass on my garden while listening to predictions of slugs and doom. After heavy rains, my garden was the only one that didn't turn into a mud pool. Even grannie complimented how smart this is!

  7. I had mice devastate my food garden and as a vegan, killing them is out of the equation. I solved my problem at day one of using a solar powered rodent repellent sonar. It cost me 23 euros and solved my issue immediately without having to poison or hurt the rodents with traps

  8. Beautiful garden and encouraging results! I'm going to try hugelkulture plantings on a (very) small scale in my backyard this spring. Question: How do you have NO pests on your tomatoes or squash? If I ignore my tomatoes for even a week, cutworms and/or hookworms will decimate them. Did you use any preventative measures (e.g., neem oil) or plant some form of pest deterrents nearby?

  9. In addition to a physical fence, you may also want to implement a "natural" fence, outside your physical fence.
    For example:
    To deter rabbits – I've heard rabbits like clover, over anything else. In addition, they are offended by the scent of strong herbs.
    In the outer-layer of your natural fence; plant clover – on the inside; plant pungent perennial herbs. More often than not, the rabbits will stay in the clover area, not wanting to pass the pungent area.
    Moreover, the rabbits coppice the nitrogen-fixing clovers by eating them (releasing nitrogen), as well as peeing & pooping in the general area – all increasing soil fertility.

  10. You have a great attitude about your garden! Trying to be more chill and learn from the failures. I should have gardened as a kid- I'd be a lot less perfectionistic I think.

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