Daizz’s Tips:-Growing a lemon tree from seed is surprisingly straightforward, and something that anyone can do if they have a warm, sunny windowsill. It will take a few years to before it fruits and flowers but eventually your hard work will pay off.
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I have been following your channel and have tried your technique for growing a lemon tree from a seed. I must say I am impressed. My lemon seed is sprouting. I planted 5 but only 1 germinated. Thanks for the tutorial. Can you show an update on your crotons you propagated from leaves please?
I love that now I know I'm not the only one who prefers salt over sugar to my lemonade!!! It's definitely a required taste but it's soooo good
Gardening tutorial with a dash of cookery… What an idea Sirji…
I don't have cocopeat I only has normal soil and garden sand…will it grow
When you start growing your own food, you realise its importance, as you know the hard work, effort went & patiently watching it for years to bear fruits. Thats the reason our past generations worshiped trees, never wasted a single grain of food. Everyone should be taught how to grow food in the schools.
I thought lemons were hybrids and unable to germinate
Cam i use sand in place
of cocopeat
How much time does need for a lemon tree to give fruit….
I found the germinating seeds in wet paper towel/napkin in a sealed sip lock bag works wonderfully and quickly
I don't understand why dislikes in a positive video like this…
that's a lime you're a gardening expert but don't know that is lime
Wow, looks great, I’ll do it as soon as possible. I have a doubt, what do you think is organic seed, I’m not sure whether what I have are organic or not, will be waiting for your response in this channel
hello my lemons germinated I'm very happy Thanku sir but I have a question how do I got two lemon plants from one seed i am a bit confused how this happened
If you run your hands a on newer baby leaves your hand will smell like lemon so lemon trees have the basil evact
It's funny because you said they should be planted at least 3 inches apart while planting them 3 centimeters apart, is this metric to imperial conversion hell again?
Why do you think seeds from non organic lemons cant be grown? that is absolute rubbish
I planted the lemon seeds and it gave only 3-4 leaves and stopped growing after that. This is happening for the second time, any idea as to why it didn't grow further?
Tree is not growing
Plant is not has past two year
I have 7 years old plant it still didn't have any fruiting or flowering
My lemon seed is grow but its so slow growing
That's easy to follow.
I had my lemon plants age (2 months) in direct sunlight for 6-7 hours. But some leaves of plants started to get brown. The average temperature in my area nowadays is 27 degree Celsius. Also the leaves of my plants are really tiny and the plant is growing really really slow. Any tips on what i should do for healthy growing? Also winter has started do they harm the plants in anyway?