Buy the raised beds I have in my garden: Today is a special video, I collaborated with my friend Mark from Self Sufficient Me, one of my favorite gardening YouTubers! He’s in winter right now and I’m in summer, so we threw some ideas at each other in a bit of a gardening battle ;). Here are 6 different ideas for raised bed plant combinations.
And if you’re interested in getting some Birdies raised beds here in the USA, feel free to use code SSME2019 for 5% off your entire order. Helps to support Mark and myself as I want to bring MORE of these epic beds to the USA.
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Huge thanks to Mark from Self Sufficient Me for collaborating with me on this video! If you're interested in these Birdies beds, use code SSME2019 for 5% off your entire order:
Love both of you guys
Kevin, what is your homesteading channel called?
Best crossover of all time
I love the crossover!
I have been watching Self-Sufficient Me for a few years….and more recently have found your channel. I also watch MI Gardener – since he's more in the same zone for growing here in Ontario since he's from Michigan. I've adored the Birdie beds…. do you know – do you now have an affiliate here in Canada? Or, do you ship to Canada, and how much shipping cost is there added for Canada destinations? Right now, I just use big tree trunks for my raised beds, but would love a couple Birdies! Btw, I've loved this 'joint' endeavour! I've not tried your trio, but I've done the Three Sisters, and it was fantastic.
what"s the trellis your luffa is growing on?
He’s like the Steve orvian of gardening
Love and sub to both of you
great video collaboration
How did I just find this!!!! Fave youtubers collabing!! Yay!!!
You guys should do a potato competition collaboration. Loser buys winner another raised bed!
Lol…the potato master ! Any chance you could do a collaboration with Green Dreams channel ? I am inspired by them too so much I just bought a new soil blocker set and am trying it now. Have you ever used soil blocks Kevin? Jim does 2G a month sales from his front yard garden and he and Pete also have the battle with Bermuda grass. Love from Canada bro mancers
Great collaboration!
My 2 favorite gardeners together at last! I placed my pre-order a month ago and can't wait to get my Birdies beds soon.
Love this collab
my 2 favorites omg
One of the most epic crossovers of all time.
omg I am so happy i stumbled across this! Y'all are my two go two youtube gardening channels. Y'all are my absolute favorite to watch! This just made my day! (just recommended both of y'alls channels to an old friend asking about gardening this morning too actually!)
You should grow sage and chives for pollinators they love those flowers and of course lavender
Feels like about time for another collaboration video, Kevin. My two favorite gardening channels working together as one. That's what gardening should be. Helping our fellow gardening enthusiasts near and far. Great video, guys.
I got MY birdies already, in mint. It looks real nice, and way easier than making a traditional one.
Thanks EG!!